
THURS., NOV. 19, 1987, 9:58 AM

This is a strange title, and one for which you have only a single, irrelevant referent. You came for this Teaching at an odd time, but you have heeded My call. So I offer you an odd title, and you shall see where this leads Us.

Your referent was a brief experience of impaired vision, wherein your reading capacity was diminished by squiggles in your line of vision. These were both bothersome at the moment and worrisome in the longer run. Were these temporary squiggles or were they the portent of more permanent altered vision and hence of a shortened career? You have not experienced them again, and your examination yesterday indicated no basis for expectations of more.

Squiggles, in spiritual terms, are thoughts, perceptions, and experiences that break your spiritual rhythm and cause you to forget or to disregard what you know about the place of spirit in earth life. You know and I know that the nature of earth life, particularly in your culture and your time, is one of posing many challenges to the reality of spirit as the fundamental reality of life. Yet it is possible to achieve such a view of life. Those who have achieved thusly must make adaptations continuously to the perceptions and assumptions of others. In the midst of these adaptations, which are fundamental to a good spiritual rhythm, are occasional, or frequent… squiggles.

These can be small, minor, and minimally bothersome. Yesterday you read My message to your mother-in-law Mabel about her driving. The language was so different from this that I employ with you that it became a small shower of squiggles. She has been a servant of Mine much longer than you have, her knowledge of the Scriptures is greater… and hence if this is a message from the Lord, do these that you write have validity? Even faster than those before your eyes disappeared so this spiritual squiggle evaporated in the truth and integrity that you know are in these volumes you have written and accumulated.

A more bothersome squiggles experience comes with thoughts of a possible premature death. You know the enticement that would come for surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and medication of various sorts. You would be encouraged to fight for life and made to feel guilty or at least “odd” if you didn’t. So you might accept the definitely partial truth that My desire is for everyone to live longer in the earth and that I am somehow behind all sophisticated medical treatment. And as you move into this mode of thinking you are experiencing squiggles galore. What are they obscuring? The truth that life not only continues beyond the death of the body, but that it is a life with greater freedom, much more memory and perception… much more “real”. Occasionally the prolongation of earth life is desirable, but is never truly necessary in eternal terms. When the squiggles recede, this is what you should be perceiving, loud and clear.

Your spiritual squiggles are likely to be few, infrequent, and of short duration. I have convinced you, through these frequent communications, that spirit is the essence of life, that I watch over you and actually provide for you, that you are exactly where you should be, doing what you should be doing, and that I offer you many opportunities, even daily, to be this active servant and grow spiritually in the process. The length of your earth life is really immaterial and irrelevant.

THURS., NOV. 19, 1987, 9:58 AM

This is a strange title, and one for which you have only a single, irrelevant referent. You came for this Teaching at an odd time, but you have heeded My call. So I offer you an odd title, and you shall see where this leads Us.

Your referent was a brief experience of impaired vision, wherein your reading capacity was diminished by squiggles in your line of vision. These were both bothersome at the moment and worrisome in the longer run. Were these temporary squiggles or were they the portent of . . .

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