Staying Home

FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1981, 5:18 AM

You consider another trip, o son, and the thought is not an enticing one. Oh, it would be a pleasure to be a part of Jack’s and Bev’s wedding, but that cannot be your priority in the few short weeks before the Fall semester. Staying home and getting to the work I purpose for you is that priority.

Yes, your main task in the next weeks will be to complete both the sabbatical report and the first draft of the paper which shall bring this concept to the attention of your profession. You shall investigate various ways of having it put in printed form, including Bob Hammond’s means. But I would like that to be out for the edification of your colleagues during this coming season. Then you shall see how that concept develops once this initial work is out and being considered.

Yes, once you commence the writing of that descriptive paper I shall guide you to apt examples and to the balance and rhythm that is so necessary for what I desire this to be. You should have no doubts now that I shall give this direction. We are in good partnership now. I bless you and give you experiences that make your spirit grow exceedingly. You, in turn, are willing to respond to My directions, as well as suggestions. It is not so much a matter of will as it is one of grateful service… an exchange between friends.

By the way, you need at least two more stories for your presentation tomorrow… just to have in reserve. I shall give you the direction for that tomorrow morning. That presentation shall be a small bench mark… and, yes, that is the proper place and the proper context for your affirmation. You may consider saying something this afternoon in relation to the spiritual dimension in the future and/or the developing spiritual nature of this Farm. Use your judgment on this and listen for My direction. It may be appropriate, and it may not be.

Another task for your period of staying home is another number of Ruminations, again based upon these teachings. I am not quite ready to give you the theme, but I shall present it to you quite clearly. The writing of that shall not take much time, but it will take concentration and dedication. It shall truly be your ruminations on the theme and on My advice and admonitions. Fairly soon that shall become a fairly well-known publication. It may even come to pay for itself… if you can remain regular in this writing opportunity.

Another reason for staying home is, as you know, the bringing of this Farm to the presentable appearance it should have. My principle still applies, but this shall be a time of giving real attention to improvements and upkeep. This can be a nice balance with your creative writing tasks. Your concentration upon these, along with the planning of your Fall courses and the renovation of your office will be quite sufficient for this time period. The visiting, “jumping around” time was at the other end of the summer. This shall be a time of staying home and tending to these special works that I deem important.

I’m sure it will not surprise you to hear that I shall want you to do this time of meditation with Me each morning. I shall not exact a firm commitment from you, but I just want you to know that this is important, and you should miss it only for very good reasons. (And are there any such, really?)

FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1981, 5:18 AM

You consider another trip, o son, and the thought is not an enticing one. Oh, it would be a pleasure to be a part of Jack’s and Bev’s wedding, but that cannot be your priority in the few short weeks before the Fall semester. Staying home and getting to the work I purpose for you is that priority.

Yes, your main task in the next weeks will be to complete both the sabbatical report and the first draft of the paper which shall bring this concept to the attention . . .

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