Stewardship… Again

SUN., JAN. 15, 1989, 6:18 AM

Stewardship is an important concept for any responsible person, but it has particular meaning for Christians. First, it signifies acknowledgment of creation and responsibility to that a Creator of a thankful sort. Second, it signifies acceptance of a special place in a larger creation, with responsibility for keeping that creation as properly balanced as possible. Hear, o son, as I again help you see each of these more clearly.

Stewardship can have a quite personal tinge, and even some non-religious persons may exhibit this. It is exhibited as careful allotment of your time, your talents, and your resources, just because you want to utilize them best. Such a person sees himself as his own master and is responsible to himself. You, as a committed Christian have some of this, and this is quite acceptable. You realize your inabilities as a chairman and organizer, and therefore you avoid or actively refuse such tasks. On the other hand, you accept that you have abilities in writing, and so offering your time for writing projects is good stewardship. You may “waste” some time in just “puttering” around your Farm, doing this and that, but all designed to maintain or improve the place. Yet you will not spend time watching game shows or other television offerings that are not pre-selected for some reason. This is good personal stewardship, and I approve.

However, for you and for most Christians there is a commitment beyond the meeting of self-imposed responsibilities. You have the knowledge that you were created by Me, through the triune power of God, by means of your parents. You thus have responsibility to them, as having been used by Me for your creation and nurture. (You could feel this in a naturalistic mode also, but I’m recommending the more spiritual one.) It means that the use of your time, talents, and resources should be guided by your relationship to Me. You have no earthly Master. In this sense you value and enjoy independence. But in the realm of spirit you are but a creation out of Me and your loyalty, devotion, and commitment to what I would have you do and be is essential.

I have told you that you must give of your substance to causes and persons in need. I want you to give to Me through My Body, the Church, but otherwise I have the choice to you. The important matter is that you are giving in stewardship to Me. Here’s an interesting aspect of this that you have not seen clearly. You are to take care of your body not so that you can live longer for your own pleasures, but so that you can serve Me more actively and functionally. There are many things you can do that shall incrementally advance My earthly Kingdom, and you can be more effective in accomplishing these if you are vigorously healthy. This is a higher reason for health.

I have told you that this portion of My earth, this Farm, is yours to enjoy and to tend and develop for some portion of your life. Worry not as to whether you shall be here for the rest of your earth life. Rather, love and appreciate each day here, living as if you will be here for years on end AND as if this will be your last day here. That is a good balance for earth life itself, and also for this place. Plant and harvest. Keep it as neat and clean as possible.

Then you must continue to develop and try to have learners grasp and accept the stewardship of this living earth. This means consuming minimally (and letting the economy adapt to this). It means using things until they are truly worn, and then recycling when possible. It means opposing great expenditures of money and resources on weapons to kill and maim, in the name of maintaining your profligate way of life. It is quite possible to have freedom, liberty, and democracy without such affluence, and it is part of your stewardship to see this and advocate it.

Certain essential balances in the earth are being tipped and even destroyed by excessive human activity. Part of this results from the number of humans, but, more importantly, the damage comes from behaviors and processes that just deny the responsibility of stewardship. It is bothersome to me that many Christians, Americans especially, do not have this sense of stewardship, even as they give time and money to the church. This is an unpopular “prophesy,” but it is one I recommend to you and, through you, to others.

SUN., JAN. 15, 1989, 6:18 AM

Stewardship is an important concept for any responsible person, but it has particular meaning for Christians. First, it signifies acknowledgment of creation and responsibility to that a Creator of a thankful sort. Second, it signifies acceptance of a special place in a larger creation, with responsibility for keeping that creation as properly balanced as possible. Hear, o son, as I again help you see each of these more clearly.

Stewardship can have a quite personal tinge, and even some non-religious persons may exhibit this. It is exhibited as careful allotment . . .

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