Stewardship, Yet Again

SUN., JULY 17, 1994, 5:46 AM

It is a summer Sunday morning, a perfect time to offer you some thoughts about stewardship. Why Sunday? In My perspective this is a day for worship and for rest, which should point you toward Me and My earth… and away from all that you humans can do and are doing to make this world less habitable.

Very simply: one major task of every human, in every culture, no matter what the circumstances, is to take care of this earth, so that it is as liveable for the generation following as it was “for you.” This is quite clear to you, living where and as you do. Your area is not one in which the population is increasing markedly, and you have a feel for the stewardship of this Farm your special home.

How much more difficult it would be if you lived in a crowded city, in a “project” with hundreds of others, having little “feel” for such a responsibility. Even many who live uncrowded, in affluence, have little sense of this that I ask of you, each one: take care of this earth… use its resources wisely, which means sparingly, when the population is this large… reuse materials, directly and by recycling. This means don’t buy new until the old is well worn.

I know… I know… your economy, even that of the total world, depends on people buying new manufactured products. Yet I see the present and future results of this interrelated economy, and I just cannot approve of this short term perspective. You have no way of affecting this worldwide… or even in your culture. You just must live, respecting a stewardship ethic and teach to My Truth when opportunities rise.

I have told you repeatedly that I am not yet ready to give up on this earth and on the human life hereon. Convictions and predictions about My destroying this earth as a place for unique spiritual growth are usually based on the mistaken premise that this is the only “place” for spirits that abide in humans, other than some indescribable heaven and hell. Presented in a rather poetic way, “In My Father’s house are many mansions”… which means that there are many realms where spirits can live and grow, without the “hindrances” of time and space… and therefore of economies and political systems. You cannot grasp this now, here, but you have experienced some of this and know of it, outside of the restrictions of earth life.

So, perhaps strangely, I am not as concerned with the wars, the political posturing, and the inhumanity which is described and pictured in your media daily as I am about what human presence and activity are doing to this physical planet. Then why don’t I do something? Actually I am, but I want to allow for as much growth as possible, without permanent, irreparable damage to this place. At this time it takes artful balancing, and I still am in charge.

SUN., JULY 17, 1994, 5:46 AM

It is a summer Sunday morning, a perfect time to offer you some thoughts about stewardship. Why Sunday? In My perspective this is a day for worship and for rest, which should point you toward Me and My earth… and away from all that you humans can do and are doing to make this world less habitable.

Very simply: one major task of every human, in every culture, no matter what the circumstances, is to take care of this earth, so that it is as liveable for the generation following as . . .

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