
WED., FEB. 6, 1985, 10:40 AM

It has been a number of days since you came to hear what I have to teach you in this “way of Ours.” I realize the difficulties of winter mornings, and I appreciate the fact that you have been aware of these day missed and have regretted the Teachings that were not. However, it is performance as well as intent that I wish. So… here you are.

Stories, stories… as I have told you, the earth itself is a story, and it is awash with human stories, of a wide variety. You have not been diligent in keeping a folder of spiritual stories, and I do not relax My urging of this. Everything worth knowing can be put in story form, and this you must continue to explore, gather… and create. Continue to be more than aware, as you create stories for your granddaughters, of the opportunity and responsibility to teach desirable living messages in these talks. Make the moral fit the action.

Soon you must begin to organize for and create the first Ruminations of this year, and it will focus on some of stories told by and about Me, as Jesus. You shall have the opportunity to write the story, as it is told in Scripture, then add My comments about it, in Teaching form, and then give your impressions, interpretations, and reactions. You shall have to gauge, as you write, how many the letter shall contain. I shall give you no specific number. As with all of the previous letters, some shall relate well, and shall enjoy and profit from the interchange. Others will be less appreciative, and a few shall not even finish the reading. Remember that your goal is not to please some number of diverse individuals, but to be faithful to this calling.

My goal, as Jesus, was not to relate perfectly with each human spirit whom I encountered… but rather, to be true to the mission My Father (and I) had given Me to accomplish. Those who were ready to hear, heard. Each of these shall especially touch some people (perhaps only a few), and that is enough reason for your composing them. Be certain you’re up-to-date on past issues sent out… that have been requested. Some still are waiting for these stories of yours… and they shouldn’t have to.

As you read and hear the story of My life as Jesus, how “holy” do you consider that I was? Well, I wasn’t as holy as many Christians would have Me be. I knew My Scriptures (those of the time and the Jewish tradition), and I prayed often, and those practices gave Me the strength and the wisdom to act in ways unexpected. I liked women, and I related to them more closely than a holy man of My culture should. I couldn’t quite have women as “official” disciples, but I considered that. Just too “risky” for that time.

I found the women whose sexual lives were not clean and pure and proper had a particular receptiveness to My stories and My personality. This doesn’t make them “better”… just different… and receptive. Some of the contemporary versions of My story can emphasize this more openly than the straight Biblical record.

The woman at the well was pretty and quite gentle for a woman of her experiences. She was intrigued by the concept of “living water”… that which would have no need of active refilling. Could I take the place of an active church life? Would (does) relationship with Me mean that no “external” refilling is ever necessary? Wouldn’t that be an interpretation damaging to the life of the Church… My Body? I was not bothered (really) by the destruction of My physical body despite its capable functioning. Would I feel differently about the destruction of the Church? You see that I wouldn’t… and yet I would. Stories don’t always present unmixed blessed conclusions.

WED., FEB. 6, 1985, 10:40 AM

It has been a number of days since you came to hear what I have to teach you in this “way of Ours.” I realize the difficulties of winter mornings, and I appreciate the fact that you have been aware of these day missed and have regretted the Teachings that were not. However, it is performance as well as intent that I wish. So… here you are.

Stories, stories… as I have told you, the earth itself is a story, and it is awash with human stories, of a . . .

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