Stories: Remember…

TUES., MAY 13, 1997, 2:40 PM

You are now preparing, with My help, for what could be the last of these spiritual classes/workshops. It was a bit surprising to find that you have so many alternative activities… and I may suggest even a few more.

What I want to reemphasize today is the inclusion of… even emphasis upon… stories that tell how spirit is revealed and is encouraged. You were “into” that for awhile, and the stories you wrote are good ones, and they shall be good examples. Encourage the development of these in those who are with you in the class, and I’m certain you’ll have more that tell of spirit.

When you reveal yourself as a mystic (which I say you will do) you must tell this as a story… and this may encourage others to tell of their spiritual paths and adventures thereon. You know you shall have a core of wonderfully, but diversely, spiritual folk, and the whole experience should be “one to remember”. Will I be with you? You couldn’t keep Me away!

This, and the two Death Education classes will be the almost perfect endings for this fine career of yours (even Ours). If other chances to teach arise, I’ll advise you, and you’ve already considered, briefly, how either of the two “other courses” that you have taught for so long could be made more spiritual. You know you have to have a required “respite”, but then… await.

Yet there also is some merit in having your “teaching story” end with these summer classes. I have told you repeatedly that this time of “retirement” is a time of transition, a fitting, right way to end the “Bob Russell story”. You shall be less and less attached to conditions in the earth, in its wider scope. You have here a sacred place that can be more so with the energies you still have. Be less and less embarrassed when you speak of this as a time of spiritual transition. In your culture, with its negative perceptions of death, this can be the kind of testimonial story of which I approve.

What I’m pushing for in this Teaching is the importance of stories. You have stories to tell, and you have tapes of two types that are stories, in different forms. Encourage those who come to speak to your group to make their “presentations” as much stories, as possible. It shall be a marvelous emphasis, so different from most university course experiences. There is no reason for you not to “go this route”!

As you consider your own life story, with focus on the spiritual you know that it could have been different. AND, you know also that it actually could not have been much different. That means that I have guided you, throughout your life, but particularly since you’ve been a full professor, living on this Farm place. You have some notions about what these next years will bring, but, fundamentally, you must accept that I know best and will guide you in the ways you should go.

Going to Hawaii 49 years ago was your unusual decision, but I had a hand in it, too. All that has happened during these years leads to an easy, natural return, by you, this next month. This is part of your story, and you shall become more aware of how and why as your story moves into its last chapters.

Yes, it is an aspect… an evidence… of My sense of fun that you continue to have life experiences in Hawaii and in Southern Illinois, an unlikely “pair”. And it should be so, as these retirement years come on. Be sure you see it as part of your spiritual story… for it is.

TUES., MAY 13, 1997, 2:40 PM

You are now preparing, with My help, for what could be the last of these spiritual classes/workshops. It was a bit surprising to find that you have so many alternative activities… and I may suggest even a few more.

What I want to reemphasize today is the inclusion of… even emphasis upon… stories that tell how spirit is revealed and is encouraged. You were “into” that for awhile, and the stories you wrote are good ones, and they shall be good examples. Encourage the development of these in those who . . .

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