Stories, Stories…

WED., OCT. 12, 1994, 9:05 AM

Our Ruminations is on this theme, and I shall be pleased when it is circulating as it should. But there have been other stories that have “come your way” since you (and I) put that together. On some of these I shall comment, as the rain clouds gather.

First, I’ll comment on your own story, as it has been affected by recent events. You missed hearing directly and talking with the guest preacher on Sunday, My servant Andy. The tape gave you some flavor of his presentation, and Lenore’s comments also helped. The notion that your communications from Me have to be monitored, even approved, by some “discerner” in your midst is reasonably Biblical, but it also is obviously “conservative”. If I were presenting you prophesies for your church congregation, your national church, your community, your nation, or the whole earth then there might need to be some verification, some “authorization.” But these are Teachings to you, and you should always present them as such. They will be helpful to some, and they’ll be rejected by others. Rejoice in the former. Worry not about the latter.

What I tell you is truth. In this earth truths complement and balance one another much more often than they compete with or overcome another. You enjoy this process, and you appreciate the results. You definitely feel the calling after more than two days away from Me. Yet you still are not comfortable, as a Presbyterian, with this “gift.” You don’t continue in order to be acclaimed. You come and write because I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, call you to this. No verification is necessary. What I say will agree with some Scripture… and not with some others. I’ll say again… Scripture leads to Me, but can never circumscribe Me. I am not limited, in any way, to Scriptural passages. I am free, free to work in this earth, nearly 2,000 earth years since Scriptures were decided upon (with My help), in ways of My choosing… the “My” including Jesus and God Almighty. That’s an “update” on your story.

The allegory, sent by Jane, in love, was our main Sunday “meal”, and quite a story it is. It is somewhat similar to your own story. In a way you are being led up to high places by My Teachings to you and our close relationship. I am like the Shepherd who comes and saves you and reassures you. You are not much like Much Afraid, for you already are in the lower heights, with few fears about your life, its present and its future. Yet you still need to be carried at times. You are not yet clearly Grace and Glory… though you are more Joy and Peace.

Yet even from where you are you need to reach out and help others in order to move higher. From henceforth you shall proceed “on up” by reaching down, as you have been doing with Jane. And as you do this, remember to enjoy the process and see its spiritual essence.

WED., OCT. 12, 1994, 9:05 AM

Our Ruminations is on this theme, and I shall be pleased when it is circulating as it should. But there have been other stories that have “come your way” since you (and I) put that together. On some of these I shall comment, as the rain clouds gather.

First, I’ll comment on your own story, as it has been affected by recent events. You missed hearing directly and talking with the guest preacher on Sunday, My servant Andy. The tape gave you some flavor of his presentation, and Lenore . . .

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