Story Time

SEPT. 26, 1980, 2:35 PM

There is some more encouragement I need to offer to you, o son, in developing a story approach to your teaching for the future… but I am also pleased that your spirit seeks such instruction, as well. You still do not have the “feel” for how you shall use this approach. I, of course, cannot give you this “feel”, but I can give suggestions, tell you specific things to do, and guarantee full encouragement.

You know this is not a new approach for you, for you have used stories, true and made-up, ever since you commenced teaching. Part of your difficulty, it seems, is feeling the responsibility of “having to do it”. You can see, in this, that the command from authority may not get action, even when the one commanded wants to do what is right. Relax. Know that I want this from you, but I shall accept it as you feel the capacity to develop and implement the approach.

Hear a compliment. This that you did with the Walter Reed class, in having them develop role plays and problem-solving case studies is an example of what I urge. In your next class you shall have these situations as concrete examples, but still have the new class create their own. This shall be the fundamental way you shall conduct this course. Even the tests shall reflect your focus on stories. You have forgotten that marvelous workshop in which you emphasized the personal. It is time to go that way again.

Health is a quality of persons… and is the personal quality in communities. If it is personal it must be represented in stories which communicate those human aspects. Once you get the hang of it you shall really “take off”… in your teaching, your writing, and even in your research. I shall be patient, but unyielding in My “pushiness” toward this goal.

It is time (after this weekend) to revise and edit your personal spiritual story… and then begin to memorize it. You shall find increasing opportunities to share it… and to hear others in return. This shall be the basis for much of your satisfaction in the next few years, and it shall be an important avenue for your continuation in your professional field for many years.

SEPT. 26, 1980, 2:35 PM

There is some more encouragement I need to offer to you, o son, in developing a story approach to your teaching for the future… but I am also pleased that your spirit seeks such instruction, as well. You still do not have the “feel” for how you shall use this approach. I, of course, cannot give you this “feel”, but I can give suggestions, tell you specific things to do, and guarantee full encouragement.

You know this is not a new approach for you, for you have used stories, true . . .

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