
WED., JAN. 16, 1985, 12:09 PM

Strength is a desirable characteristic… right? To be strong is better than to be weak… right? You are tempted, o son, to give the affirmative to each, but you feel that this Teaching may not be just one of unbridled praise for strength. You are hearing Me well, and you know that I generally come down on the side of balance rather than wholly on “one side.”

You used the word “strength” yesterday as part of your explanation of your adaptation continuum, saying that the ecological end focused on strength, while the other end emphasized weakness. (I applaud this readiness on your part!) (*note from scribe: the pen Bob Russell was using ran out of ink on the word “emphasized”, and he had another one ready. That is the reason for the parenthetical note). That is true, as far as you went with it. You shall have to reprise and talk about the opposites as well. Weakness may bring suffering. Is this desirable? You have the general idea. I need not tell you about such secular matters.

My interest is in strength relative to spirit, the essence of continuing life. Spiritual strength is, first of all, the capacity to continuously see life as spirit and all events as opportunities for the gaining of more strength in this aspect of self. But you cannot gain strength by trying to do so. In the physical dimension you can become stronger by deliberately doing exercises and tasks that build strength. In the spiritual realm the focus needs to be mostly on what you are doing, and not on the self-focused desire to gain spiritual power and strength.

In addition to awareness and appreciation of the spiritual basis for ALL of life’s actions and events, spiritual strength is manifested and is increased in several ways. One, obviously, is serving others, even when such service is not convenient or desired by you. You could have taken the time to help Lenore with that onerous typing task a while ago. Even though you were coming to have this Teaching, you could have given that service, and it would have abetted spirit. Now, this doesn’t mean that you should do only things that you dislike, that are hard or painful; it does mean that as certain situations arise you should not always opt for comfort and ease.

12:45 PM / 12:57 PM

Another way is to become ever more familiar with My ways and My teachings, through recording these meditative sessions, through rereading and studying them, and, vitally, through Scripture reading and study. I am Ultimate Spirit, and I give strength as you come to Me in these ways. Participation in worship and in prayer are other ways of gaining strength, and these also are recommended.

Yet another way is to be conscious of and to verbalize spiritual truths. This is the importance of your Sunday morning class… for you. Yes, it is a genuine service for some who participate, but it is a means of growth for you as you have and take opportunities to express, verbally, what you have learned from Me. Other opportunities come in conversations with Chris, with Terry, and with Dorothy… and some others. Seek these somewhat more than you do now. Another form of expression is, of course, your Ruminations. These are a means to strength, so be sure you continue these regularly.

WED., JAN. 16, 1985, 12:09 PM

Strength is a desirable characteristic… right? To be strong is better than to be weak… right? You are tempted, o son, to give the affirmative to each, but you feel that this Teaching may not be just one of unbridled praise for strength. You are hearing Me well, and you know that I generally come down on the side of balance rather than wholly on “one side.”

You used the word “strength” yesterday as part of your explanation of your adaptation continuum, saying that the ecological end focused on strength, while . . .

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