Strengthen Thy House

JULY 11, 1980, 5:45 AM

Hear, o son, some words of help for strengthening your family and the relationships with those you love most. You were reluctant to hear words of reproof… and some of them may be heard as such… but My theme is “strengthen”, which can just as well imply “strong that becomes stronger.” So we are talking basically in positive terms this morning… about promoting and strengthening that which already has strength.

As you certainly know, the basic strength of family relationships comes from relationship with Me. Oh, there can be families that have and show health and strength when there is apparently no contact with Me, but it is like unto health: there may be some natural strength, but it is never what it could be without My hand. (And know that I guide and strengthen certain families because I wish to… out of My Will… or because of the faithfulness of even one member.)

The strength of a family is in its capacity to function and to adapt. And like unto personal health, again, strength is gained from having to adapt… from functioning when the going is not easy. A strong family is one that faces adversity and adapts to that successfully.

You don’t consider yourself a strong parent. By several criteria you are right. In terms of discipline and guidance you have been no “power house”. But that role is nearly over… at least that combination one. There will still be a few incidents, and in these you must exhibit that artful combination of trying harder and not trying. To try too hard at something that is not your forte is often a waste of effort. Yet giving up completely is not advisable either. You just must feel the right rhythm amongst yourself, Lenore, and Matthew.

Fundamental to family strength is loving and sharing. You have a strong love for each of your immediate family members and for most of your extended family. Growth of love is aided most by a close walk with Me. As you learn from Me you understand yourself, the world, and your family members better. And then the developed inhibitions against love diminish. Everyone has, inherently and finally, the same capacity to love as I have, but you tend to inhibit the feeling and expression of it. As you are more “in Me” and I am more a functioning part of you, the inhibitions fade, and love is more openly apparent.

JULY 11, 1980, 5:45 AM

Hear, o son, some words of help for strengthening your family and the relationships with those you love most. You were reluctant to hear words of reproof… and some of them may be heard as such… but My theme is “strengthen”, which can just as well imply “strong that becomes stronger.” So we are talking basically in positive terms this morning… about promoting and strengthening that which already has strength.

As you certainly know, the basic strength of family relationships comes from relationship with Me. Oh, there can be families that . . .

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