
SAT., JAN. 25, 1986, 6:57 AM

This is a word that represents many problems for you and for other souls inhabiting human bodies. You should be interested in what I have to say about this part of life, but your mind seems to be wandering in all directions this morning. You have to exert the control. I am with you as Teacher, but you must be willing and able to listen and write. I can’t do it all.

Stress is your body’s and mind’s reaction to some situation or event that is bothersome to traumatic. For most people the earth experience has many times of stress. It is part of the earth experience to deal with this in its various forms and to prevent, as much as possible, the deterioration that results. I am both a means for dealing with stress and a stressor – one Who causes a stress reaction. When you are honest about your own life situation you will admit that thus it is, with you.

As you look at the volumes of Teachings I have given you and reread them you are happy with this relationship. You know that My Teachings have eased many situations and are a major factor in the ease with which you are generally living life now. And you know that I have promised to continue this relationship so that your trust in Me abides and grows. By interpreting life events I do help to reduce stress through making life, in its entirety and wholeness more understandable.

I also am a stressor… One who causes stress. You know that you often enjoy the mornings when do you not come to this meditation, and even though I do not call you every morning you know that you could be here… even that you should. I have told you that I am not a strong advocate of guilt feelings, but I know that I engender these, even in you. And such feelings bring stress. I offer you many opportunities. I make many suggestions. I give you orders. And when you reread Teachings you often are faced with the fact that you have not followed through, and the consequent feeling is one of stress. Even as you are here you may be inattentive, and you have a legitimate concern about your accuracy in recording what I say. More stress.

Thus far I have saved you the stress that would come with more knowledge, among more people, of this gift I have given you. You consider the consequences of more publicity, and you know you would be stressed. I shall continue to help control that, but the continued publication of your Ruminations does increase the potential for more recognition. Just be assured that I am aware of consequences (which doesn’t tell you what will happen).

One of the evidences of stress in your body, as in others, is the heightening of blood pressure. I realize, as you do, that this is a life threatening condition as your whole circulatory system ages and weaknesses become more evident. I can only urge you to do what you already know to do – take time to relax, exercise, and eat with some care. You thank Me for the health and strength you have, and you occasionally ask Me to protect that. I do… and yet I also have told you that only infrequently do I interfere with the functioning of a human body. (I get credit for more than I do. There are benefits from prayer beyond My direct action.) Continuing to live human life is a good, but the continuation in the next realm is an equal good. Now shouldn’t that knowledge be a stress buster!

SAT., JAN. 25, 1986, 6:57 AM

This is a word that represents many problems for you and for other souls inhabiting human bodies. You should be interested in what I have to say about this part of life, but your mind seems to be wandering in all directions this morning. You have to exert the control. I am with you as Teacher, but you must be willing and able to listen and write. I can’t do it all.

Stress is your body’s and mind’s reaction to some situation or event that is bothersome to . . .

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