Stress And Spirit

SUN., OCT. 2, 1983, 6:36 AM

Stress is a modern word, not a Biblical one. By most modern definitions some of Us in the Bible story of life, death, and continued life were in stressful situations… and were rather assuredly stressed. Hear, o son, as I ramble a bit on and around this theme, particularly as it relates to spirit.

Stress can be partial… or total… or anything in between. This can refer to the degree or intensity of the stress, or it be an assessment of the dimensions of being that are involved. Let’s consider this latter concept.

From My perspective the spiritual is the most significant dimension of being. It is your link with the life and lives you have experienced before this present earth incarnation, it is your continuing link with Me, it is that which clarifies the purposes in your present life, it is that which urges you to think of and act for others rather than self, and it is that aspect of self that assures you that life continues on beyond death.

All right, if this is your most significant dimension then stress which affects the spirit is that of most concern. In reverse order, then, consider that the stress encouraged by the physical environment is, generally, of lowest level (but, of course, can be horrendous, as in a fire, earthquake, or other natural disaster). Still, on a day to day basis, the environment as stressor is less important than stress felt in the spirit. Social stress is of more consequence, but again is external to the person. Other people or institutions can be stressors; the actions and reactions of others can encourage stress.

Within the individual the physical response to stress must be considered, but it is less importance (in rank ordering) than the stress experienced by the mind… and the emotions. In many circumstances, of course, these are hopelessly interrelated, but let Me make My point this way… you recently had some cancer cells removed from the end of your nose. Perhaps the sunny environment was part of the cause, but this has concerned you minimally. Social response has not been stressful; virtually all responses have been supportive of you and the decision for removal. Your physical nose bore the brunt of the stress. It was cut and stitched, and it offered some discomfort for a short time.

In your mind you know… at least you interpret… that these errant cells can appear and yet do not presage more serious cancer manifestations. You also know that once a body has produced some cancer cells it is more likely to produce more, than if there were none. Yet your degree of mental stress is minimal. You seem to know enough to take appropriate action. You knew that you body heals well, so you were not surprised when the healing has been rapid… you expected this.

Emotionally you have felt minimal stress. The appearance of the bandage was the most disconcerting. You have felt and displayed few harmful emotions. And mostly because this has not been a stress of spirit. In terms of life you have a strong sense that your life shall continue, and productively, so this was no threat to that faith. In fact, you feel that you now have some small identification with those who have cancers of more serious consequences. You dislike evidences of ill-health, but realize that health in spirit and emotions (which is to say, lack of stress) can minimize the physical dimension.

SUN., OCT. 2, 1983, 6:36 AM

Stress is a modern word, not a Biblical one. By most modern definitions some of Us in the Bible story of life, death, and continued life were in stressful situations… and were rather assuredly stressed. Hear, o son, as I ramble a bit on and around this theme, particularly as it relates to spirit.

Stress can be partial… or total… or anything in between. This can refer to the degree or intensity of the stress, or it be an assessment of the dimensions of being that are involved. Let’s consider . . .

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