
FRI., AUG. 23, 1991, 6:20 AM

“Success” is a word that represents an important personal goal for many in your culture, including you. You have wanted to be a success from as far back as you can remember. You have been one who strives to succeed, and you have done rather well at accomplishing your goals. You have heard Me tell you, time and again, that you are above average and have achieved some number of successes, but you do fall short of being outstanding (despite what your sign proclaims!)

You were not a great coach, but you had some success, even some championships. You have been a fine teacher over the years, but never have gotten the top ranking. You have been well-recognized in your field, but would not be named as the top professional. You have been a good husband, yet you recognize many weaknesses… many ways you could be better. You wanted to be a much better father than you were and are. Your sons seem to be developing into good men, but you don’t feel that you were a great success as a father.

And yet you know that I selected you for this special relationship with Me. Again, you have not been outstanding in carrying it out, but you have been as faithful as your capacities allow, and I accept this. An outstanding mystic you are not, but you have accepted the challenge rather well. I realized it would not be easy for one with your background to become the kind of servant that I want for you. You have been a mild success thus far, with a future lying ahead.

Though you are not a natural, gifted comedian, you are a success as a merry Christian. You are known in your church as one with a happy heart… a merry spirit… and you encourage this attitude in others.

Then I’d say that you have been quite successful at accepting yourself the way you are and yet continuing to strive to be better. Disappointments come, but you can recognize some success and can focus on this, not on what was not achieved. Your general balance between trying and not trying is good. You know, certainly, that success often can come from just being, rather than striving. Your cultural goal of always trying harder is only partially Mine, for Myself and for My servants.

Objectively, you could say that I, the Holy Spirit, have not been a whopping success in My charge to have every human knee bow to Me, as Jesus the Christ. Oh, there are more Christians than any other single religion, and the Christian faith is practiced in more lands than any other, but it does not dominate, as the Scriptures suggest it should.

As a preacher and teacher I was not popular with the religious leaders of My time, as Jesus. My disciples, despite being with Me during My ministry were not going to be able to perpetuate what I began. Did I choose poorly? Was it strength or weakness to go to an early earthly death? I certainly could have saved Myself and still brought salvation to all. Was I the complete success I should have been?

If I, as the Holy Spirit, can influence you, who have not been a shining, spiritual success, why don’t I do better with those who are acclaimed successful in this world? I could prevent wars. I could insure peace… proper distribution of food and medical care. You must conclude that I don’t want to be that kind of a success.

FRI., AUG. 23, 1991, 6:20 AM

“Success” is a word that represents an important personal goal for many in your culture, including you. You have wanted to be a success from as far back as you can remember. You have been one who strives to succeed, and you have done rather well at accomplishing your goals. You have heard Me tell you, time and again, that you are above average and have achieved some number of successes, but you do fall short of being outstanding (despite what your sign proclaims!)

You were not a great coach, but . . .

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