Suggestions For The Week Ahead

SAT., JUNE 4, 1988, 12:35 PM

It has been some long time since you sat for a Teaching in this airport. In days past you traveled frequently, and, as an Ambassador, you received a number of worthwhile Teachings in that club, or others like it. Even with that luxury no longer yours, you know I come and speak in these places of travel. Hear, o son, as you are off on an adventure.

It was good that you tried out your song and story presentation yesterday. Positively, you now know you can still generate some variety of feelings with this mode of communicating… you can still do it! Negatively, you know you must review the “script” several more times and must decide what to cut… and must review those songs that you are likely to forget. And again I say… don’t be concerned about whether it’s good or well received by all. Just do it as a gift to Me and do it with full spirit. Offer it.

You are in the midst of a class, not quite as exciting as the one finished, but a good one, nevertheless. You have not reviewed My Teachings about this aspect of life, and you should. They will help in planning for and actually implementing some references to spirit, and, as you suspect, I do want this from you in this second and final week.

Drug-taking, in any of its forms, is frequently related to spirit, whether this is recognized or not. If the experience is a stimulant one, the result can be an exultation of spirit, as well as of the mind. If it is a depressant mode thoughts and cluttering emotions may be suppressed, along with overconcern with time and achievement, and spirit may emerge. Psychedelic experiences can allow spirit to soar and dominate… or to be overcome with wild machinations of the mind and emotions. Your main experience is with alcohol, and you know what I have said is true… but also that you do not always take full advantage of the potential. Often this is because you are striving to be responsible… and this is generally commendable… but increasingly I want you to realize and appreciate spiritual experiences.

I am urging you not to fill this week with outside speakers. Rather, I want you to use, or even to devise anew, some exercises that have the group working with factual material, ideas, and concepts rather than just passively listening. Let this be as participative a week as possible. Remember that your basic role, even with this course, is to stimulate the development of spirit, not to be just a purveyor of information. Go carefully through the activities you have used in the past, and select or adapt. And even with the time short you may develop something quite new and unique.

Continue to give yourself fully to this opportunity. You can muse a bit about what lies ahead, when the summer teaching is over, but do not yield to the temptation to relax and be lazy. Such temptation will be everpresent, but I urge you to resist… and give of yourself.

Explain fully the rationale for the last class. Emphasize that doing things together is the essence of spiritual life in the earth… use “Desert Pete” to highlight the notion that you have to put something in before you can get something out.

1:21 / 1:49

Do not focus on those who are reluctant to participate. See, instead, the beauty of those who are “getting into the spirit” of the class. For that session food shall be considered a mood modifier… and exercise, too. Do all that you can to make this a “last class to remember.”

Talk to the class about this Farm as a “model and behavior modifier.” Tell of the experience you have had here. Plan this, but then do it as spontaneously as possible. Conclude with your “Country Road.”

SAT., JUNE 4, 1988, 12:35 PM

It has been some long time since you sat for a Teaching in this airport. In days past you traveled frequently, and, as an Ambassador, you received a number of worthwhile Teachings in that club, or others like it. Even with that luxury no longer yours, you know I come and speak in these places of travel. Hear, o son, as you are off on an adventure.

It was good that you tried out your song and story presentation yesterday. Positively, you now know you can still generate some variety . . .

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