Summer Season… Yet Again

FRI., JUNE 30, 2000, 3:30 PM

Yes, o son, it is the season of summer here in the Heartland. Today is cloudy and humid, but the temperature is pleasant… and you are here, hearing Me, in this small, green park. Summer classes apparently meet, but this aspect of life has less and less interest, to you. You are not as comfortable and relaxed as you feel you should be… and this is mildly bothersome.

Our Ruminations were completed in this proper month, and all have been mailed. There are a few more to “hand-deliver”, and you will have completed that “task”. You really aren’t considering a more “modern” format for future Letters… in response to friend Dave’s proposal. You shall not progress very far into this “new and improved” century, and you really have little desire to learn new skills that shall “speed things up”. And you know I am not urging this on you.

There is enough work on your Farm to keep you busy, and you are in a time of earth life when you can go more slowly and choose what you shall do. Just don’t forget My recommendation of more time of contemplation, along with the re-reading of books read earlier in your life. I’ll also approve your thought of re-viewing video movies that you have enjoyed in earlier years.

You see… and you realize, your memory is waning, so re-learning… revisiting… re-reading are means to retain some important ideas, rather than vainly trying to learn and retain more “new stuff”. You will have to devise and implement some ways of remembering. I’ll let you work on this, but if you’re not as successful as you should be I’ll become a more “active Partner”.

You do like each of the four seasons, as do I. Summer is a good one, certainly, but after its three months or so it is easy to welcome Fall and the changes it brings. Maybe you’ll come to this spot for a Teaching in December or January, dressed quite differently and looking on a less lush landscape.

You haven’t yet decided about the trip to Durango, now Lenore is saying she may not go, and you have more desire to stay here and “live slowly and leisurely” rather than be involved in a trip and a big family get-together. You’ll know what the right decision is by the end of this new month. The answer will be clearer then. Well, here comes the rain…

(3:59 PM / 8:45 PM. Farm, Study).

It is evening now, a warm, sultry one, typical of summer here. You have some hopes of cleaning this desk… and then the rest of this study. You feel that you really could do this, but the evidence for positive action is definitely missing. Yet it continues to be a challenge. This room could be much more neat than it is. It won’t be easy… but… it won’t be hard either. Some day… it will just happen… when you truly want this special room to have a different appearance.

Now that I’ve been critical, focusing on what you haven’t accomplished, let Me offer congratulations for having all of your “to-be-mailed” Letters actually mailed. The Letter was dated June, and at least it was gone from your hands before July was in place. You have the basic Teachings for a “follow-up” that shall be dated September. Let Our goal be to have it actually in readers’ hands while it is still September.

I realize I’m sounding as though exact time is quite important, and you know this is not My Stance. It certainly is not an Absolute Imperative: just see it as Our Game, with you trying to make the appointed “deadlines”. And remember, you truly have no other task that I consider as important as this one.

You have had many happy, even memorable summers. You remember taking a few Hawaii kids to a camp in the Sierras one summer… and then returning to encounter Lenore at her Kalia Rd place. This was another important time in that “courtship”, which wasn’t quite that, yet. The summer after you and she were married, the summer at UCLA, was another memorable one, with the next one being one of waiting for that first son.

FRI., JUNE 30, 2000, 3:30 PM

Yes, o son, it is the season of summer here in the Heartland. Today is cloudy and humid, but the temperature is pleasant… and you are here, hearing Me, in this small, green park. Summer classes apparently meet, but this aspect of life has less and less interest, to you. You are not as comfortable and relaxed as you feel you should be… and this is mildly bothersome.

Our Ruminations were completed in this proper month, and all have been mailed. There are a few more to “hand-deliver”, and . . .

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