Sunday On An Island

SUN., NOV. 22, 1998, 12:20 PM

Sunday afternoon, after a Thanksgiving themed service at that familiar old stone church, your church early in your career. It wasn’t an exceptional service, but the hymns were familiar, the organ was magnificent, and you did get to see and talk with Kit and Margie. It is an experience that contrasts with your “home church” in several ways. But it was something you planned on doing… and you followed through. Good!

There still are some “items” on your list, and you probably will accomplish these, but, as recommended in what you just read, it isn’t necessary to have many goals. Just enjoying your time here should be a top “non-goal”. It would be desirable for you to at least start this next Ruminations while (12:31 / 12:35) you are here. It shall focus on a time here 4 years ago, and it would be symbolic (wouldn’t it?!) to commence it from this place.

You could almost label your reactions thus far, as “bi-polar”… joy, of course, in the familiarity here and the welcome you always receive from your family here. It seems unwise for you to suggest taking your Dad back with you. Rather, it seems as though he will live here as long as Joanne can “manage him”, and then he may have to go to some institution. He seems so unaware of what is happening to him that such a move is unlikely to be traumatic… at least not as troubling as making the trip to Illinois and having to adapt to the complete newness on your Farm. And it is hard for you to admit that you are pleased that you and Lenore will not have to “bear this burden”. This does encourage you to ponder how you shall avoid such deterioration as you move along in age.

One evidence of your age is in the other “pole”… an uneasiness, even a sadness, in seeing the changes at Punahou. “Progress” doesn’t seem to be as desirable as the “old”… what you knew 40-50 years ago. The prosperity of this island seems to coincide with changes, for the “better” as judged by those younger than you. These are just observations and feelings about Oahu, but they suggest comparable feelings about your home church… how the “new” doesn’t seem as good as “how it is now”. And the prospect of having to stop the project at the “white box phase” is a grim one.

Remember, however, the theme for this Sunday worship time – Thanks to Me, the Triune God, for all that you have. It is much, and while you are reasonably faithful in offering Me Thanks I still am aware of times and circumstances in which you don’t credit Me for blessings… and don’t recognize blessings that don’t seem such, on the surface and immediately. I’m trying now to help you internalize this awareness and appreciation. Of course, coming to Me for this Teaching is tangible evidence of your need for My words, and this is a form of Thanks.

This week here is, of course, somewhat of a test of your capacity for disengagement and non-attachment. Oh, I know how you feel… for this short time here you should have goals and the drive to attain them all. You shouldn’t “waste time”, but I’m urging you now to invest time in contemplation, which is, for your “future”, time well spent and not wasted. Your balance so far is about right.

The experience here is, in part, a “going back”, and you’re not fully appreciating the contrasts of then and now. My priority for you in preparation for the future, in realms of spirit, along with full living in the present. It is silly not to prepare for such a “change of scene” when I am advising you as to how you should be doing this.

SUN., NOV. 22, 1998, 12:20 PM

Sunday afternoon, after a Thanksgiving themed service at that familiar old stone church, your church early in your career. It wasn’t an exceptional service, but the hymns were familiar, the organ was magnificent, and you did get to see and talk with Kit and Margie. It is an experience that contrasts with your “home church” in several ways. But it was something you planned on doing… and you followed through. Good!

There still are some “items” on your list, and you probably will accomplish these, but, as recommended . . .

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