Sunday Thoughts

SUN., JUNE 21, 1987, 6:27 AM

The resolve you offered as you began this vacation was commendable, but you know that your actual “performance” was less good. Your view of the many situations in which you have been has not been as spiritually discerning as I, or you, would have liked. Nevertheless, I shall continue to be short on criticism and long on help that shall develop spirit truly. Hear Me, o son, as this Sabbath morn commences.

The gathering last evening was, from this spiritual perspective, the best of the trip. You talked of spiritual matters in a free and comfortable way, and you know how satisfying that is. You probably shall return as much for this kind of an encounter as for any other reason. You spoke appropriately to Leslie, who is searching for her spiritual path. Actually she is on it now, but the insights she is receiving from others are presently disturbing, whereas they could be enlightening. Let her know that I am aware of her struggle, and that that which seems so troublesome is the very necessity for growth of her spirit. Yes, she should continue in Bible study (and so should you, by the way.)

Your Mother’s condition is unfortunate, with this dominance of concern for earth matters (a dominance of mind over spirit) becoming an illness, yet again. There is nothing you can do at this time that shall be relieving, but letters and pictures as a part of your return to normal life can be helpful. Hers is a struggle between spirit and mind/emotions. Medication can help, but real victory comes only with the return of spirit to dominance. Medical treatment is appropriate, though I still label it as a spiritual struggle (and you are not surprised).

This is a sabbath designated as the one honoring fathers. It is unfortunate that your father, who could have been the focus of the honoring, must give priority to his role as a husband. You have two fine sons with you on this occasion, and as you relate with them your assessment of your success as a father rises a bit. You would like to have been more successful in this life task, but now just accept what was and get on with the enjoyment of life. You were not an ideal father, but neither were your boys ideal sons or brothers. But you all gained from the relationship, and this is certainly above average.

This is a place of beauty, and the experiences here have been quite worthwhile. Still you look forward to the return to your wonderful familiar place and to the responsibilities there. You shall be in transition as this day passes, but do not neglect the present for the future. Just be comfortably in transition, with your (Our) Ruminations as the major vehicle. Though this will be a special Sunday you look forward, as you should, to the return to your familiar church and to your class.

SUN., JUNE 21, 1987, 6:27 AM

The resolve you offered as you began this vacation was commendable, but you know that your actual “performance” was less good. Your view of the many situations in which you have been has not been as spiritually discerning as I, or you, would have liked. Nevertheless, I shall continue to be short on criticism and long on help that shall develop spirit truly. Hear Me, o son, as this Sabbath morn commences.

The gathering last evening was, from this spiritual perspective, the best of the trip. You talked of . . .

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