
SAT., FEB. 6, 1993, 6:28 AM

As you sit here on this cool but not cold winter morning you shall see a “sunrise,” during the time of this Teaching. From where you sit you shall not see it clearly, because or misplaced tree trunks, but it will be a definite event on this cloudless morning. You have at least one other Teaching on this theme, but it is a good one… one you should remember and share with some selected others… so I reinforce it this day.

The sun does not rise, even as it appears to. You shall not die, though some day it shall appear that you are dead. Each is an illusion that is accepted, even by those who know the truth. The sun is constant, while the earth moves in an orbit around it, and turns on its axis. Making a complete revolution each 24 hours. The movement around the sun makes for the seasons and “causes” the sun to in a slightly different place each day, with summer and winter showing the extremes.

As you shall see the sun rise, shortly, it shall definitely appear that the earth is still and steady and that the sun surely does move to rise above the horizon and herald another bright, sunny day. There is no apparent evidence, from where you sit, that this solid earth, your obvious “home,” is spinning in such a way that you now see the sun, and later this afternoon you shall see it set, ending this day and heralding the night.

In a somewhat similar mode your culture, including your Christian culture says that you were born at a particular time, on a particular day and date, in a given year. Even though there was obvious interuterine life you became a legal person when you were born and breathed on your own. It was assumed that your life began at conception, about 9 months before your birth. But your official life was from birth till the time that you are declared dead. Your secular culture says that this is all there is of life. Your Christian heritage says that you are judged at the moment of death and that you either are then in heaven with Me for eternity or in hell away from Me; in conscious suffering for eternity.

What do I tell you about this? First, your life is fundamentally in an immortal, eternal soul, the spirit of which came forth from Me and is enriched and developed in the variety of ways that I have created for this purpose, one of which is incarnated life on this planet earth. I am the constant, as is the sun in the physical sense. Various “lives” appear to begin and end, but your actual life is a continuous stream of experience – spiritual experience.

The sun is now “up”… a life has clearly begun, with childhood experiences like those of Jennifer and Sarah. The sun will continue to “rise,” and you can recall the days of your youth and young adulthood. In the afternoon the sun will appear to be going down, though still providing both heat and light, which compares with your life now, when you still can work with some vigor. Then comes “sunset” and if it is clear you can follow the sun’s course down until the very top rim disappears. This represents physical death that is consciously experienced. (Clouds on the horizon represent a death with a lot of or complete unconsciousness.)

Yet you know that while the sun has “set” for you it still beams strong in California and even stronger in Hawaii. Likewise when this earth life is over your spirit shall be in a strong life form in some other realm, with other spirits as familiar to you as the people that are friends and relatives in this earth life.

SAT., FEB. 6, 1993, 6:28 AM

As you sit here on this cool but not cold winter morning you shall see a “sunrise,” during the time of this Teaching. From where you sit you shall not see it clearly, because or misplaced tree trunks, but it will be a definite event on this cloudless morning. You have at least one other Teaching on this theme, but it is a good one… one you should remember and share with some selected others… so I reinforce it this day.

The sun does not rise, even as it appears to . . .

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