
DECEMBER 5, 1979, 5:50 AM

There isn’t any out there, o son, but this is the theme I want you to develop this morning. (You are distracted and fragmented… really not ready for this task this morning. It looks like this will be a hard venture.) Sunshine is a beautiful creation of Mine. O, there is solar energy energy of BTU’s of heat, and photosynthesis, but a sunbeam… or sunshine itself is something different. The sun is immensely functional for the earth, but I also have made of it something beautiful, something warm and enjoyable.

This is an important principle, o lethargic one. Anything done for a functional purpose, for a serious reason, can also be beautiful and warm. Why should not anything be beautiful and warm if it could be? Why should anything be cold and functional, if it could also be…? (This is a good theme. Keep it up)

“Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy” The words to that nice song tell a good story. I appreciate sunshine, too. Increasingly I am favoring those experiences that are instructive but also warm… those, even, that are admonishing but with a “sunshine quality”.

And so should it be with you, o son. This, for you, is not so much a new instruction as a reinforcement of what you already do fairly well. Your presence in the classroom usually has this quality, but I bring it to your attention so that more often it is so. When you are teaching or counseling or whatever, you have a functional job to do, but it can also be done with sunshine on your shoulder.

DECEMBER 5, 1979, 5:50 AM

There isn’t any out there, o son, but this is the theme I want you to develop this morning. (You are distracted and fragmented… really not ready for this task this morning. It looks like this will be a hard venture.) Sunshine is a beautiful creation of Mine. O, there is solar energy energy of BTU’s of heat, and photosynthesis, but a sunbeam… or sunshine itself is something different. The sun is immensely functional for the earth, but I also have made of it something beautiful, something warm and enjoyable.

This is . . .

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