Super Cosmology

FRI., MAR. 31, 1989, 6:15 AM

This Teaching shall not surprise you, and yet it may offer you a wider view of My cosmology than you might expect. It truly involves the circumstance wherein I want you to be aware of and appreciate my wider way, even as your personal path is a narrower one. And yet I shall also speak of both/and, where one does not negate the other, but merely complement it.

Remember that I am the Holy Spirit of the God Who was and is in Christ the Lord… the “Christian God.” You are a Presbyterian Christian, and that is what you should be and remain. It just is the truth that there have been many interpretations of My relationship with humans and with the earth. I am offering you one of the most all-inclusive, but this does not negate the more “traditional” interpretations.

As was presented yesterday the more traditional Western Christian cosmology has Me, as God, separate and somewhat remote from humans. In turn humans are separate and remote from nature, but with a God-given responsibility for stewardship and care of the earth and its creatures. God created the earth, but is no longer directly involved with it, having turned its care over to humans. God’s contact is with humans, but because of this “remoteness” there is the need for posters, priests, bishops, saints, and others who can help intervene or “get to” God.

The cosmology more identified with Native American tribes is one where God, humans, and nature are all intimately related, without any “line of authority.” God is within the human, but also without. God is manifested in every pine needle, insect, and animal. God works constantly in both expected and unexpected, mystical ways. And yet this Indian view links Me, as God, quite specifically with certain places… which is quite Scriptural.

For the Hebrews I had My favorite mountains and places. The Holy Land has places where I, as the Christ, was… and still am. For you this Farm is such a place. You don’t always remember this (it was quite dim yesterday as you were getting your bull back into the pasture and fixing the broken fence), and yet you never forget it, either.

I tell you that this represents another both/and. This is a special place for Our relationship, and yet you have received many wonderful Teachings in other places, some quite unspiritual and unlikely. This is your “best place,” and yet when the time comes for you to move you will find another special place. At the same time you will accept that I am in all places, events, and beings equally. Accept, also, that your mind and spirit are insufficient to perceive Me in all of My many and simultaneous manifestations. When it seems that I am “not there” know that it is merely your inability to experience Me.

Then I say… accept yourself as you are, and experience Me as you can. Feel joy in the fact that you have this special gift of relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit. Never flaunt it, but never deny it, either. Don’t try overhard to experience Me when I am not apparent. Yet know that you are growing toward more awareness, and My grace makes this even more possible.

The super cosmology is not just that I am in every imaginable form and substance… the essence of all… but also that I come and am in many ways, that exclude others. I am in the widest, most comprehensive view of God, humans, and earth imaginable. I also am in that narrow path where the earth is evil and where only a select few, with particular beliefs and practices, shall finally be with Me, while all others perish in hell. Whew!

FRI., MAR. 31, 1989, 6:15 AM

This Teaching shall not surprise you, and yet it may offer you a wider view of My cosmology than you might expect. It truly involves the circumstance wherein I want you to be aware of and appreciate my wider way, even as your personal path is a narrower one. And yet I shall also speak of both/and, where one does not negate the other, but merely complement it.

Remember that I am the Holy Spirit of the God Who was and is in Christ the Lord… the “Christian God.” You . . .

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