Support Groups

TUES., MAY 23, 1989, 6:17 AM

One of the beautiful creations in this culture of yours, involving spirit, is the support group. They continue to develop for all sorts of needs, and of this I approve. In order to function well each group must limit its size and be exclusive. In a broad sense these are unfortunate characteristics, but just are necessary. As you read the Holy Scriptures (as you do, but occasionally) you have to know I am not against being exclusive.

A support group forms around a “broken place.” Something has happened in a life that has caused a broken place. That break could enlarge and increase until the whole person would be broken. Or… that broken place could be healed, probably slowly and with some pain… but healed. The support group is a part… even a large part… of that healing process. For it brings together people with similar “breaks”, in order that they might help one another.

Such a gathering also has the potential for making the breaks worse. In this aspect of life, say, the death of a child, one is vulnerable. That vulnerable one is trying to overcome this loss alone, often with some amount of “cover-up.” Joining a support group can bare the wound and bring out the remembrance and the pain. If the group’s positive effects are not soon enough, or if the vulnerable one drops out, the brokenness is increased. A principle of earth life is that if there is a potential for good there is a comparable potential for harm.

Yet there is something wonderfully mystical about a successful support group. Oh, it is less mystical if there is an effective, dedicated group facilitator, a professional or just “one of the group.” But the success comes out of the interactions, and these cannot be coerced. People with broken places just have to be willing to give… and receive. And mystery surrounds the question of how this occurs.

A Church is a support group. Despite the acceptance of religion in your culture there are many other forces that ignore it, reject it, or suggest that it has limited value. Even as you have this assurance from Me, the Holy Spirit, as often as you wish, you still can benefit from human support for your allegiance to Me, as Triune God. You love the experience of worship and the fellowship that precedes and follows this. This is support that prevents being broken. And of this I approve, also.

I have told you repeatedly that complete independence is not a worthy goal for a life. Yet attachment and dependence are not ideal alternatives either. I recommend dependence on Me, with much involvement with people, but with little to no firm attachment. Such a posture frees you to interact fully and responsibly, giving of yourself in participation. Yet when the time to part comes you can move on to other involvement without the pangs of regret.

Consider how this applies to the end of an earth life. Live life fully and be very involved until the end is near. Then if you have no or minimal attachment to earth life you can let go quite easily and be quite ready for a welcome into another realm. In fact, very quickly you can be welcoming others, for you were ready for eternal, continuing life. One who is firmly attached to earth life, with a denial of continuing life, needs much support and loving concern when death comes. Attachment actually hinders involvement whereas being free of attachment encourages.

Successful support groups need not be in My name and for My purposes. And yet I affirm that when some in a group truly invite Me in that group has a more successful life than without Me. I work in many ways. I am never limited. Yet I do love to be invited to be part of any group… particularly one where brokenness is being healed or prevented.

TUES., MAY 23, 1989, 6:17 AM

One of the beautiful creations in this culture of yours, involving spirit, is the support group. They continue to develop for all sorts of needs, and of this I approve. In order to function well each group must limit its size and be exclusive. In a broad sense these are unfortunate characteristics, but just are necessary. As you read the Holy Scriptures (as you do, but occasionally) you have to know I am not against being exclusive.

A support group forms around a “broken place.” Something has happened in a life . . .

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