
THURS., AUG. 9, 1984, 6:49 AM

Yes, o son, this is the word that shall be your title for today. It is another of those titles that is obscure, about which you could write no more than a paragraph or two with your rational mind. So… it is a venture in faith that we take this morning… faith that I can provide words that teach and that have some relevance to “suspended.”

The most obvious reference is to the state in which you must be to receive this Teaching. When you awoke you were suspended, for a brief time, between the dream state and the awake state. You tried, without success, to remain in the dream state… or at least to remember what it was. Yet consciousness was too powerful. The dream was vivid, but you could not go from the suspended state back to its remembrance. I have told you that this (dreaming) is not your spiritual window, but occasionally you shall have an insight. It requires a different balance of trying/not trying. That’s about all the help I shall offer.

Then you were awake and up and quickly at this desk. With the identifications at the top you settled back to receive the title, realizing that you had to become suspended between an active, thinking mind and one too idled by concentration upon something… like your breathing. You had to reach that balance of suspension, wherein your mind is still from its chattering thinking but is open to the activity that I energize in this writing task. That is the proper, but delicate, suspension that I require.

Maintaining it is next. Your mind is constantly trying to interfere. You realize that if I were not rather persistent you would have little of value on these pages, because your mind still seeks to interfere with thoughts, random and organized, logical and fanciful. You succeed only as you can remain suspended in this special conscious state. The ritual of the paper and the special pen help (and, wisely, you are reluctant to use this paper for anything but this important purpose), and relative quiet and absence of distractions are important also. Now you see that when you concentrate too fully upon the process it slows down, and eventually your focus upon it would ruin it. Balance. Rhythm.

In a spiritual sense this time of meditation has you suspended between this earth life and the infinitely wider/deeper life in spirit realms. You are aware of sounds, of vistas, of temperature (more distracting in winter, certainly), and I have even allowed you to stop in the midst, perform some necessary act, and return to the suspended state. I allow the cup of coffee, which certainly is not part of the classic meditative state.

However, despite these ties with conscious earth life you remain suspended between realms as you hear My words and write them in this ritualistic form. You are privy to insights you would not have otherwise… to concepts and truths that might be learned without My help, but would not be… without My functioning as active teacher. Would you… could you have created these nearly twenty volumes of spiritual writings if you were not in this suspended state? There is no way to know for sure, but it is clearly unlikely.

THURS., AUG. 9, 1984, 6:49 AM

Yes, o son, this is the word that shall be your title for today. It is another of those titles that is obscure, about which you could write no more than a paragraph or two with your rational mind. So… it is a venture in faith that we take this morning… faith that I can provide words that teach and that have some relevance to “suspended.”

The most obvious reference is to the state in which you must be to receive this Teaching. When you awoke you were suspended, for a . . .

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