Symbol Of A Relationship

JULY 9, 1981, 5:14 AM

You finally are ready to resume our time of teaching and learning, o son. It has been some time (as time seems to go) since we were together in this way, but this, truly, is the first time you have been ready. So welcome to this fine study in the early morning. And welcome to a teaching about symbols, one of My favorite “realities”.

You got the clue to the idea in a symbolic way… you felt the numbness of your right foot on the floor, and this brought a memory. Of What? Of a continuing relationship with Me… that’s what. You continue to entertain the thought that there is a way to complete healing and return of function. This is commendable. Never lose the thought of this as a possibility, for I may need you whole and running again, and, if so, there would have to be some fairly miraculous healing. Know that this is possible, through medical intervention or My Healing Hand. But also know that it is unlikely.

The thought I want you not to lose is that this fairly insistent anomaly – malady is a symbolic reminder of Our relationship. Your Ruminations are the tangible evidence of this, but never lose the direct reminder. The incomplete working of your foot has the power to say to you… with every other step… you and the Holy Spirit have a very special relationship. He has selected you for a special work, for which you were predestined in a sense and for which you especially prepared yourself in another sense. He speaks to you in a rather special way, and from these teachings can come much good… for yourself and for others. You have been given special insights that shall be of much eventual value. You may add to this store of written wisdom almost any day that you wish… and certainly any day that I wish. You know this, and it is never far from your conscious memory. But your slight disability is your continuing symbolic reminder, when you can see it as such.

As Jesus I went to death from this earthly life on the cross. Crucifixion was and is a terrible way to be put to death. And, you are right, I could have extracted Myself from the condemned situation. Pilate did not really want to crucify Me. But it was to be a powerful reminder to My disciples who remained and to their antecedents during all of these centuries and lifetimes since. I made a sacrifice for you all. I proved that I could symbolically take a huge burden of sin upon Myself and carry it through the death process and emerge, fresh and clean… as you, in My Name, may now do. The Cross is a symbol of that redemption. Isn’t that quite gross and inappropriate? It may be, but it is a good symbolic reminder, and this is what I wanted it to be.

The truly important thing your partially disabled foot should say to you is that this relationship is the most important one in your life. Because of it there shall be opportunities galore, many of them pleasant and satisfying… even lucrative. But others shall be strange and unexpected, and to these you shall have to adapt in unique ways. Still others shall seem unnecessary and burdensome… not “typical” of an opportunity I would send your way. But these shall be some of My best.

In all of your life’s hardest moments there I am. And if I am there, shouldn’t you rejoice? Most certainly. This seems perverse… and would be if reality were only or even predominantly, physical. But the prime reality is that of the spirit and the Spirit. And hence all things and events have the opportunity of developing spiritual relationship.

You know, as you write now, that you do forget this as you go apart from Me. LET YOUR FOOT AND LEG BE THE SYMBOLIC REMINDER. If you didn’t have this I would have to give you something else… and you might like it even less. You must have a constant, persistent reminder of Our relationship. You have one. Now use it!

I shall be willing to give you a reaction to Hal’s “recipes”. You just must find them and refresh yourself as to their content. Then I shall speak. Your work goes on acceptably. Accomplish these two administrative tasks and then commence the long overdue writing of your sabbatical study.

I, the Holy Spirit, am your teacher. Remember that… and use it well. This is what I want.

Shalom, o son
6:21 AM