Synod School: Early Morn

TUES., MAY 8, 1990, 6:14 AM

Disappointment was yours to feel, o son, when you were not accepted as a teacher at Synod School this coming summer. You have come to appreciate this week for its fellowship and its potential for all-around spiritual growth. You liked being a teacher there, and your classes both had been rightly appreciated. But what about this year? My servant Al awaits.

The early morning gathering is familiar to you. Again it shall be a unique group of early risers who want to commence the day with some structured acknowledgement of Me, the Triune God as the Lord of this School. So, in prayer, in praise, and in interactive study, the needs of these folk can be filled, and I can be pleased.

It shall be risky for you to offer Teachings as the basis for this early morning communion. This could call attention to this gift, and not all will appreciate it as evidence of an ongoing relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit. You shall have to trust that you spirit, which these Teachings have helped to develop, will be sufficient to establish and maintain your credibility. Yet there still is a risk. I want you to be aware of this, and be ready for some amount of rejection and rebuff. The spirit of judgment is always ready to overcome the Christ spirit of acceptance, even in this gentle Christian atmosphere.

I shall help you in choosing a set of seven Teachings that you shall offer as the basis for the early morning discussion. Then We shall also offer alternatives, for Al may have insights and preferences that vary somewhat from yours. Do not become defensive about your choices. From experience you know that any Teaching has the potential to stimulate good reaction and discussion. They are from Me… that’s why.

You should start with the typed originals. This means you must sort through this table behind you, even with all of these finals you have to read and judge. Look for some variety, from Bible based to ultra-contemporary, with modernity being in the middle. Seek also some range over the eleven years which soon will be completed. You may have to go to the volumes of hand-written originals… or you may not. The typed originals generally represent some experience in being the basis for discussion.

Yes, I do affirm that you should stay away from Teachings that relate to eternal, everlasting life as I have explained it to you. It is not important that you present this somewhat controversial idea. Just be ready to talk about it, in private, if anyone should ask. Your response to Scott yesterday was good, but not as Christ related as it should have been. Be prepared, but not for combat. Be willing to back away if any challenge seems serious. Keep your credibility as an orthodox, born-again Christian.

Consider also some alternatives to reading and discussion, even as your time is always brief. Nevertheless, give it some consideration. Remember that the writing you did last year was a very satisfying way of dealing with the Psalms.

It is important that you not over-extend yourself during this week. The opportunities for fun and enrichment, that you can give as well as receive, are so numerous that you must make some decisions. Yet the evening vesper service may be another way in which you can serve and be served. Know, of course, that I want this block of your time each day. The noon hour may still be the best. You can decide that as you see the schedule. I am willing to give up My early morning call to you so that you can give some leadership to this early riser group. But you know, by now, that I have much to say to you during this “holy week.” Include Me, certainly.

TUES., MAY 8, 1990, 6:14 AM

Disappointment was yours to feel, o son, when you were not accepted as a teacher at Synod School this coming summer. You have come to appreciate this week for its fellowship and its potential for all-around spiritual growth. You liked being a teacher there, and your classes both had been rightly appreciated. But what about this year? My servant Al awaits.

The early morning gathering is familiar to you. Again it shall be a unique group of early risers who want to commence the day with some structured acknowledgement of . . .

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