
MAR. 19, 1981, 6:03 AM

Welcome, o son, to an early morning meditation with the Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty. Take My hand and follow Me for this hour. I shall share thoughts of what life does mean, and you shall write them as they flow… in this unique way that We have developed. It shall be all right for you to get up periodically to see that the fire is doing well. Now hear of the importance of synthesis… in a number of ways in your present life.

First, it shall be important to do what I suggested in one of Our last meditations – go back and synthesize everything that I have said about this back and leg injury of yours. Be sure you know what I have said… that you have the right balance of perspective. You have a physical disability… yet what is its total effect on you as a functioning person? This perspective can come only with this synthesis that I urge you to develop.

You have returned to the synthesis of My teachings in relation to the spiritual dimension. You must do this with diligence, in order that you might begin the synthesis that shall be yours to present. Again, you have more to accomplish this Spring and Summer than you can possibly do. You must learn to balance your professional commitments with the work I have for you… with your still family responsibilities… with the Farm chores. You know what you must do, but you have had little success in accomplishing same.

Life in the spirit is a rhythm of seemingly new events and experiences, repeated and familiar ones, and a continuing synthesis of what all these mean for the best in living. As you reach this stage in life you know that your rhythm is changing and there needs be more synthesis… along with less concern for the new. You needn’t seek new approaches to everything now, but more and more synthesize from what you have done and retain the best.

This presentation that comes up Saturday evening will be a unique opportunity for a synthesis. Take the basic model from your Perspectives presentation, including some songs, use some of these teachings of Mine, and also let some develop in the evening itself. Know what you know and where I have you stand, yet be most appreciative of where others of your fellowship may be. Be a gentle educator and guide, not one who does harm in trying to change the views of some too quickly.

You are coming to a commendable synthesis in relation to life and death. Hone that and it may soon be ready for sharing with others. Keep it in line with My Truth. Still… know that it shall be your best synthesis rather than universal truth. This shall be somewhat hard to accept, but just hear Me when I tell you thus. I give you truth, even Truth, but you are exceedingly far from developing the perfect synthesis. Concentrate on being you. Leave being Me to Me.

The best synthesis for any issue will come from what you already have learned and know, from new knowledge, from past experience, from the experience of the present, from some prediction about the future, and from the insights I share with you – in the Holy Book and in these teachings. Sometimes this needs to be done carefully and systematically. Other times it shall develop lightly and with little effort… almost as a revelation. Be increasingly aware of these experiences and appreciate their value to your personal and professional life.

MAR. 19, 1981, 6:03 AM

Welcome, o son, to an early morning meditation with the Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty. Take My hand and follow Me for this hour. I shall share thoughts of what life does mean, and you shall write them as they flow… in this unique way that We have developed. It shall be all right for you to get up periodically to see that the fire is doing well. Now hear of the importance of synthesis… in a number of ways in your present life.

First, it shall be important . . .

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