“Take Time To Be Holy”

SUN., SEPT. 22, 1985, 6:23 AM

You are hearing this as a line in a hymn, but you really don’t know if this is so or not. But it repeats itself, and you take the chance that it is the theme I offer on this Christian Sabbath morn. It offers good possibilities, so listen, o son, as the day dawns.

Holiness, of course, is a condition of self that comes by definition rather than by behavior. I am holy, and as you walk with your hand in Mind… lo, you are holy. Yet, when is this, really? It is difficult to know, for certain, when your hand is in Mine and your spirit attuned to Mine, for you are in an earth life that beckons you continuously to recognize other realities and priorities. There certainly are other uses for your time right now, including the obvious one of sleeping for another hour. Many of these alternatives are worthwhile, and I would be pleased if you were doing them… but not instead of this. This time that We spend together with paper and pen is the most obvious meaning of this title for you. As you hear Me and write accordingly, you are “taking time to be holy.” There can be no use of earth time that is more holy.

You know also that one of the elements in this little ritual is that you shall not see a clock or a watch during the whole of the Teaching, and you have honored this condition well over the years. Certainly there have been mornings when you were aware of time… even concerned about time… and you often are interested in “how long did it take” as you put down the time of completion. I tolerate this departure from the ideal because I know you are in a time oriented culture… and I have chosen you for this walk knowing that you, personally, are quite time oriented. Still, symbolically, our time together is timeless. It has a beginning and an ending, but between there is no time. Only relationship.

So, “taking time” is, in truth, giving up time. Time is valuable. It is “the coin of the realm” in earth life. Your culture has a massive, expensive, often invasive medical system designed, finally, to give people more time in the earth. There must be great value in years, even months and weeks. And so I say, give up this “commodity.” Giving Me your time is “taking time to be holy.” I have blessed you with the novel gift of these Teachings so that there is a tangible result of Our time together. I would ask more of you, in terms of holiness, if I wanted you in meditation from which there was nothing to show for the time you give. That would be too difficult for one of your spiritual development.

Know also, however, that the other way of being holy is in giving yourself to the needs of others. Fortunately, these experiences in holiness do not have to be unpleasant… they can be as pleasant as your time with Sue… and they can benefit you as well as the other. But the standard is… time and self given for another.

Then there is another time of holiness, and this you don’t do very well. You can allow and invite others to help you… to give time to you. You need not “think of yourself too highly,” but just accept that as students and others, even granddaughters, are given the chance to give time and assistance to you, “the time is holy.” In this sense, the time of getting the hay in yesterday was a time of being holy.

SUN., SEPT. 22, 1985, 6:23 AM

You are hearing this as a line in a hymn, but you really don’t know if this is so or not. But it repeats itself, and you take the chance that it is the theme I offer on this Christian Sabbath morn. It offers good possibilities, so listen, o son, as the day dawns.

Holiness, of course, is a condition of self that comes by definition rather than by behavior. I am holy, and as you walk with your hand in Mind… lo, you are holy. Yet, when is this . . .

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