Take Time To Be Holy… With Me

WED., NOV. 9, 1994, 8:34 AM

The Bible study and discussion of Me was the best way to start a day, and now you are adding to it another holy element, a “visit” with Me, the Holy Spirit. When you are intently listening to Me (as you just weren’t) you come very close to holiness. As I enfold you, you become holy. All you have to do is “take the time.”

Already you are beginning to consider what might be the focus of another Ruminations. While you finished the actual writing in September you were well into October before you had sent and delivered all of the last one, on Stories. (And you still haven’t answered Gary’s request to be one of Our readers. Do that soon.) Perhaps this morning’s discussion, in which the theme could have been titled Free Will?, would be suitable. You need something a bit less Biblical but still involving spirit. It should relate to health education in some ways, for your readers are increasingly “in that camp.” Look over some of your volumes and see where the titles lead you.

On the one hand I have a love and concern for every human in the earth, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Incredibly, in your perception, I am aware of each, from the most devoted Christians, through those who see Me in different, even bizarre ways, to those who honestly and vehemently deny Me.

On the other hand I call certain of you to service, of various kinds, giving some of you opportunities to truly share in My Holiness. As I wrap Myself around you, in spirit, you experience holiness. And, really, all you have to do is “take the time.” I also may respond comparably to some who seek Me, even without a specific call. I love it when a person turns rather fully toward Me and waits, with expectation, for My response. And yet there are others who need the spiritual experience of seeking and getting no obvious response.

Let this lead Me into some comments on your morning’s discussion, with Daniel and his Darius and the lions experience as at least a mild stimulus. You represented well the Teachings I have offered you over these years. I am the Supreme Power in this earth scene. I can delegate various powers, but the Ultimate is never given or taken away. The satan story, so valued and believed in by many of My most faithful, is, I tell you, partly an evidence of My sense of fun. I have to smile when some servants hold to the story that some angels “went bad” and took over the earth… and I can’t seem to do anything about it. One basic reason for this is that offered, in a way, by Harry this morning – I, as God, cannot be responsible for the harm, destruction, and evil that is evident in the earth. Someone must be. It can be humans, individually or in groups, or it can be evil personified, as satan.

WED., NOV. 9, 1994, 8:34 AM

The Bible study and discussion of Me was the best way to start a day, and now you are adding to it another holy element, a “visit” with Me, the Holy Spirit. When you are intently listening to Me (as you just weren’t) you come very close to holiness. As I enfold you, you become holy. All you have to do is “take the time.”

Already you are beginning to consider what might be the focus of another Ruminations. While you finished the actual writing in September you were . . .

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