
MAR. 13, 1981, 6:05 AM

As you looked through our muses together, o son, you didn’t find much that related directly to teaching, and Dave had asked especially for such. Yes, he should go to this conference… and be open for ideas that he can’t quite imagine now. It shall be of eventual advantage to him that he goes.

Teaching is one of the most important of human activities, one that often has direct spiritual connotations. It is so important, of course, because it enhances learning, and learning is almost another term of description for life itself… in the earth and beyond. I was called “teacher” when I lived and served as Jesus, and that is essentially what I was, in what I said and in who I was and in what I did with people. All great civilizations have regarded teachers with honor, and hence have attracted the most able to such positions. Your American culture is less than great to the extent that it bestows less honor on teaching than on less worthy pursuits.

For example, the practice of medicine is regarded more highly than the practice of teaching. (And both do merit the term “practice” because they rarely can be done to perfection, and the desirable result may come one time and not the next.) Medicine is involved with restoring the body and mind to health in order that life might continue fully in the earth. On the other hand, learning, that is stimulated by teaching, can be part of enlightenment… movement along an eternal path that continues life after life in the earth and in other realms of being as well. Learning is the raison d’etre of existence… the whole process of learning, unlearning, relearning, reinforcement of learning… knowing… on to wisdom. Wisdom is what you carry with you from “life to life”, and teaching often is that which stimulates such development.

MAR. 13, 1981, 6:05 AM

As you looked through our muses together, o son, you didn’t find much that related directly to teaching, and Dave had asked especially for such. Yes, he should go to this conference… and be open for ideas that he can’t quite imagine now. It shall be of eventual advantage to him that he goes.

Teaching is one of the most important of human activities, one that often has direct spiritual connotations. It is so important, of course, because it enhances learning, and learning is almost another term of description . . .

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