Teaching About Life

WED., MAR. 31, 1982, 8:15 AM

You teach, o son, and yesterday it was a lesson about life. Life is My gift to you… to each of you who are incarnate as individuals and to the earth in which you dwell. In one sense it is a part of Me, and in another it is not something with which I have parted. Ultimately you shall realize and be fully aware that your life is really in Me and that your differentiation as Bob Russell has been for a purpose of learning. I use individual lives as a teaching approach.

You now consider the question: if I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, am the final reality and you are simply a “part” of Me, what is all the learning for? Do I still have to learn? The answer is… No, I do not have to learn, but Yes, I want to learn. The principle that holds for you also holds for Me – to be a competent teacher you must remain a learner. I must remain and practice being a learner if I am to be the teacher I need to be.

But if all persons are ultimately Me, am I not then just teaching Myself. Ultimately, I suppose, that is so, but learning and teaching are fun… an important aspect of the creative life I manifest in relation to the earth. I am not learning to be God… that is not necessary or desirable… but the world that I have created is an incredible mixture of old principles and new situations. The analog with you is an apt one. You have taught the class in Death Education a number of times, but when there are new students it is not the same as it has been before. You experienced, in your Environment class yesterday an insufficiency in what you had taught before… you learned something from yourself, in effect… from the experience of teaching you learned. You may now teach better… and hence may learn better.

Do not trouble yourself about whether I am omniscient or still can learn. I am omniscient, and I know all that is known. It, then, is not a contradiction, except in Western thinking, that I shall learn more today. What I learn adds to the fullness of My knowledge, not to lacks that need to be filled.

As you teach about life, in its different forms and aspects, you learn about life, both from the substance that is expounded and from the processes you develop and use in the teaching / learning setting. The processes you employed yesterday were certainly not startling or imaginative. Talks as you gave yesterday are not bad, and you truly need to do these occasionally, but remember that these are sessions to move FROM, not TOWARD. Now that you have presented this material, what can you have learners do with it? This is the challenge.

WED., MAR. 31, 1982, 8:15 AM

You teach, o son, and yesterday it was a lesson about life. Life is My gift to you… to each of you who are incarnate as individuals and to the earth in which you dwell. In one sense it is a part of Me, and in another it is not something with which I have parted. Ultimately you shall realize and be fully aware that your life is really in Me and that your differentiation as Bob Russell has been for a purpose of learning. I use individual lives as a . . .

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