Teaching About Mood Modification

FRI., JUNE 15, 1984, 7:55 AM

The event for which you have stayed here this week is soon to take place. This shall be an interesting and worthwhile time, but still you already are feeling the pulls toward home and toward your summer teaching opportunity. On this partly cloudy morning, then, let Me offer you some ideas about mood modification that may be of future value, o teaching son of Mine.

The term “mood modification” has the same limiting quality that you found in “behavior change.” You need to be concerned with the vast array of “things” that affect mood and behavior… those that enhance and maintain that which is desirable, as well as that which modifies and changes. You also need to deal with changes that are good… desirable, and with those that are not so good… even harmful. There certainly should be no problem in “filling” that three week period.

I spoke yesterday morn about music (albeit obliquely), and you must devote some time to music as a mood modifier. You, of course, can and should do some variety of songs that push and pull toward different moods, but also devise a way to use your record collection. Then there certainly will be those in the group who will like… and dislike other styles of music, which they should offer for listening. Yes, give attention to music that lowers spirit, as well as that which enhances.

You must definitely teach about moods of worship and of awe. There must be some demonstration as well as just “talking about”, some of which can be organized before the class and some which shall just develop out of interest. Be sure to let them know that I can be pleased with modes of worship that are quite diverse from one another. Try some experimentation with light, with symbols, objects, and sounds that can affect feelings for worship.

It is important to emphasize that all moods can have value in the path toward spiritual enlightenment… that rhythm and balance are more to be desired than constant joy and elation. (Even though you shall finally know the quiet joy that is reunion with Me and with all others and else that is part of your essence, now it is important to acknowledge these “other” feelings as they arise.) What are the values in anger, in hate, in sorrow, in envy and jealousy? Explore experiences, and surely you must develop some further spiritual stories from this class and this group of humans. I have urged you to do this several times previous. I shall continue to do so until you comply.

You cannot really set the style and the working nature of the class until you have actual numbers and know who the actual learners will be. Nevertheless, you can develop several possible formats and can consider alternative ways. This shall be good teaching preparation.

As always, this summer experience should include much of yourself and of the philosophy of health and of teaching that you have developed and are still developing. You should consider sharing with them this teaching/learning experience that We have together, but I shall leave the final judgment as to whether and how to you. (Do consider the first Friday afternoon, however.)

FRI., JUNE 15, 1984, 7:55 AM

The event for which you have stayed here this week is soon to take place. This shall be an interesting and worthwhile time, but still you already are feeling the pulls toward home and toward your summer teaching opportunity. On this partly cloudy morning, then, let Me offer you some ideas about mood modification that may be of future value, o teaching son of Mine.

The term “mood modification” has the same limiting quality that you found in “behavior change.” You need to be concerned with the vast array of . . .

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