Teaching “In The Spirit”

JAN. 27, 1981, 6:03 AM

You wanted some instruction toward more effectiveness as a teacher “in the spirit”, o son, but now you have dawdled unnecessarily. It is important to wait for the best title, but also know that I am perfectly willing to “take requests”. My priorities will generally come first; if there is something I want you to know or do I shall let you know this rather directly. If there is something you want or need to know I am ready to respond.

You are still organizing your classes, and the “feel” for inclusion of the spiritual element is coming along well. Develop this purposefully, and you shall be amazed, in a few years, at how easy and natural this shall become. Know that you have an underlying base of spirit that is sound. In your first years of teaching you had a natural concern for spirit, though there was no such label… and you were more concerned that they learned science or math. With thirty one years of teaching accumulated as experience you are not going off onto a new path entirely. You shall just be less balanced, personally, so that students may have a better balance in their educative experiences. The essence of what you were saying last night to Dave is true. You must feel free now to set your teaching approaches, knowing that academic emphases will be sufficient from your colleagues.

In terms of your philosophical designations you shall become less of a realist and more of an idealist. You shall deal less with straight, “pure” subject matter, presented as if learners were not total beings. You shall more and more seek ways to establish relationship with minds and spirits, through stories and illustrations of various kinds.

You shall continue to exhibit a strong component of the experimentalist, organizing students so that they have opportunities to express themselves and learn from one another. This has been an important element in your past teaching styles. You shall continue some of the same methods, but your purposes shall be different. If you are to encourage the spirit in others to “come forth” as a part of teaching style you must exhibit this philosophical approach blatantly… yet gently.

You are torn, now, by responsibilities toward the little ones who are with you. Go ahead and be the grandfather, but then come back some time today and hear more on this interesting theme.

6:55 AM / 12:33 PM

As in all “things” of the spirit the key is genuineness and fidelity, not trying hard. Organize so that there is potential for an exchanging of spirit, but know that there can be no guarantee of results. You must be keenly aware of what is going on and must do – or not do – certain things in order that the best of results may be yours to enjoy.

During this semester you shall develop several new teaching materials. You haven’t done this for some time, and there now is need… in order that you might have variety in your bringing forth of spirit. Yes, the first one should be for your presentation in the class on Aging. Then I’m sure you’ll sense other opportunities as the term proceedeth.

Incidentally, don’t let your fingers go soft again. Your music can play more of a role than it has in past classes. (Do the tape for Dick tonight and get it off tomorrow.)

Remember that teaching and learning are part of a whole. Do not focus so much on your giving to learners that you fail to hear and appreciate what you could learn from them. Increasingly, among those whom you would identify as students will be souls who are advanced along the path in their own ways, souls whom I have arranged to be in contact with you… and from whom you can learn much. This shall be one of the most interesting aspects of this latter part of your teaching career, for, while some shall be obvious and easily identified, others will be far from your expectations and may take time to “join with”. Also there will be a few who are not spiritually advanced but who shall teach you nevertheless. All in the midst of most who are just learners. I shall enjoy this as much as you do.

Teaching “in the spirit”… yes, indeed!

12:59 PM