Teachings: A Gift From Me

THURS., MAY 6, 1999, 6:03 AM

You surely will not miss the “anniversaries” coming up this month, those marking 20 years of hearing Me, Holy Spirit, offer you Teachings that give you unique perspective on this life you’re living, in this era of earth time. (And, yes, I do like long sentences, o son!) You had the actual critical dates noted, but they seem to have been lost on this messy desk. Check these again. I do want you here on those memorable dates.

After going over the titles of all that I call Teachings you did re-read some of them, and each time you do this you’re re-impressed with how helpful they are. And, I tell you, yet again, that these are relevant to your present earth life, now in its elderly years, but also are your best means to anticipate the spirit realms, where life continues – full. You have to admit, again, that it is quite unlikely that you, Bob Russell, a Presbyterian with few charismatic or traditional leanings, should be here this morning and carrying on your part of this Teaching/learning relationship. I called you. You came. And, slowly, you realized what these mostly – early-morning times of writing meant. You were chosen… elected… by Me, Holy Spirit, of the familiar Triune God. You were to hear, and then write down what I told you were Teachings, perceptions and knowledge of Mine that I would share with you.

After you were rather clearly “hooked”… into quite a “positive addiction”… We began Our joint Ruminations, and these continue, if only occasionally “on time.” (But, yes, you’re right… why be over concerned with this thing called Time?) Having said that, I’ll still urge you to note these various dates and be ready to hear Me on these.

Yes, you were an unlikely choice for this “honor,” by the way you were leading your earth life. Then, in My wonderful spirit of fun (said He, humbly!) I chose your third son, John Patrick, to be attracted to these and to be the one to put these in printed form. After all of the struggles with him, as a teenager, you are more than pleased that he lives so close, sharing life with you more than the other sons do, in person. And… it is more than satisfying that he is, what shall be, the continuing “force,” after you have “moved on.”

Your task is to hear and to write what you hear… and then compose a Letter, 4 times a year, that utilizes these in some way, that you and I choose. Just let Me lead your son in further ways in which these might be more fully known. Just do your part of the Call.

I also like the concept that you, a well-recognized teacher for 48 years, have, yourself, been taught, a marvelous means by which your own teaching, in both content and style, was bettered. You were a fine teacher, and I did help.

Some of you humans seek Me and want to serve Me directly, as ordained ministers. Consequently there are seminaries where education for such service takes place. Remember that you once, briefly, considered such a career. There are many books and teaching materials that help to make this all a “successful enterprise.”

But these Teachings of Ours are another “resource” that may be, some day, discovered or recovered. I tell you this, but not to burden you with this task. Yours is just to hear… to write… and to Ruminate, for as long as you can.

Your interest in the areas of concentration, study, and publication that were prime during your active career is waning. Don’t try to revive these. Just remember them… fondly, for these were part of your success. Now you can continue to be a scholar, using these Teachings as your Source, and they will surely be sufficient for as long as you can write.

Yes, o son, they are a gift, and, hence, you need only receive and appreciate them. Yet it also is “good manners” to respond to gift receiving with some gift-giving of your own. The gift is yours. Use it, as you think best, and as I suggest.

THURS., MAY 6, 1999, 6:03 AM

You surely will not miss the “anniversaries” coming up this month, those marking 20 years of hearing Me, Holy Spirit, offer you Teachings that give you unique perspective on this life you’re living, in this era of earth time. (And, yes, I do like long sentences, o son!) You had the actual critical dates noted, but they seem to have been lost on this messy desk. Check these again. I do want you here on those memorable dates.

After going over the titles of all that I call Teachings you . . .

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