Teachings… And Reality

WED., JULY 31, 1991, 6:11 AM

After a restless last-part-of-the-night you are here for a Teaching. You knew, during your time of sleeplessness and discomfort, that you would be at this desk, about this time, writing in this now familiar way. Every now and again, however, I must offer an updated answer to the natural query, “Are these real… what you say they are?”

You still have heard or read of no practice like this. But, of course, you have read very little about mystical Christians through the ages and how each expressed her or his mystical gift. I am not directly encouraging this, but it may be something I have you do in the future. Just be assured that you are not the first to hear Me, though this particular liturgical mode is quite unique.

The answer to the question about the reality or genuineness of these Teachings you write is, as you expected, a both/and yes and no. I am the Holy Spirit, the One and Only, and I allow you to “tune into” Me. What you write is what you “hear,” mystically, Me saying. I am pure Spirit, without form, but with much power and capacity. I am timeless and everpresent. You read that I was a helping Presence in the creation of the earth, and that is truth. The spirit in and of each human comes from Me… is a part of Me “loaned” for a time, in order that the human/earth experience might be one of growth and enjoyment. So, yes, there is reality in these words you write.

Yet equally real is the affirmation that you can never hear Me completely and accurately. But this is true of all mystics, all dedicated souls, all theologians, all seminary professors… all humans. I must say the same about those who wrote the “books” of the Holy Bible and about those who translate what was originally written into some different language or form. To espouse a fundamentalist position that every word of Holy Scripture is pure truth and exactly as I said it, as God Almighty, as Jesus Christ, or through various prophets, scribes, disciples, and writers, is giving more capacity to these men than they deserve. It is, in general, as I want it to be, but it is not exact. The Bible is Holy Scripture, but it was written by men who heard or remembered about as you do.

These Teachings you write are, in general, what I want you to hear, write down, and use, in some variety of ways. I did not have you commence this ritual practice until you were a reasonably good writer and had the spiritual capacity to accept and utilize this gift. You were not necessarily the best one in the earth for this opportunity, but I did choose you for this. In an equally real sense you were predestined to do this, and many of your life choices were predestined to make you fit for this task… as fit as possible. For no human can do what I am having you do with supreme attention, dedication, and accuracy.

It is not “fair” to compare these Teachings with Holy Scripture. Scripture, after a brief, mythical introduction, covers about 2,000 years of human history in the Jewish tradition. There is much timeless, universal truth in these Scriptures, but also a lot of ancient Hebrew tradition and practice. Your Teachings come nearly 2,000 years later in a democratic, capitalistic system, with your experience being in the relatively well-educated, relatively affluent middle class. Thus your Teachings contain truth, but they are colored by who and what you are. I see this both a good… and unfortunate.

WED., JULY 31, 1991, 6:11 AM

After a restless last-part-of-the-night you are here for a Teaching. You knew, during your time of sleeplessness and discomfort, that you would be at this desk, about this time, writing in this now familiar way. Every now and again, however, I must offer an updated answer to the natural query, “Are these real… what you say they are?”

You still have heard or read of no practice like this. But, of course, you have read very little about mystical Christians through the ages and how each expressed . . .

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