Teachings Are The Bridge

SAT., JUNE 13, 1992, 10:18 AM

You are in the midst of a reunion/celebration, with the luau this evening. This is a special part of your “life” here and has little relationship to the basic pattern of your life. Except… you are here because you started your teaching career (this time) many years ago, and what you did and how you were is being remembered by these, who were once your quite young students. So your education profession is a bridge.

What I must emphasize this morning, however, is that the really true bridge between the many aspects of your life is, in actuality, these Teachings (representing your relationship with Me). If you could accept and acknowledge this more fully you could also encourage this fact, in addition to just seeing it as true. You are well aware that I am with you whenever you leave your Farm or office, and so you take along this pad and pen, allowing Me to interpret happenings to you and help you see old and new situations in a more holistic perspective… meaning more emphasis on spirit.

You already have had a conversation with your Dad about the Ruminations and his avid attention to them. You should have at least one more, perhaps over the Teachings you will share with him. When you return home begin to include a couple of your previously printed Teachings in each letter you send to them. These will help to solidify his developing perception of continuing life and of the importance of having a good relationship with Me.

You must follow up Mike’s remark about the Ruminations, and see how he heard about them and whether he would like to be part of your readership. These Teachings, in either form, could be a bridge for you to a somewhat changed man. So explore this. As these events progress be more attentive to clues as to spiritual interests and even initiate some conversations. You are not to be “pushy” about this mystical nature of yourself, but neither are you to be reticent about revealing it if interest appears to be present.

These Teachings are the best bridge for you between My original Holy Scriptures and your life in late 20th century U.S.A., as a middle class, rural living educator. Some of these Scriptures should be important to your living in these times, and the Teachings, some of them, will be (and have been) that bridge which makes the passages “come alive.”

They are the bridge between your “natural” ways of reacting to life situations and the ways I would prefer you to be and act. I shall regularly comment on your life, critiquing your past “performances” and occasionally telling you, in advance, what I would recommend. You know I am not often harsh, but I can and will gently chastise you, if this is necessary. I still favor a balance between trying to be more as I would have you be and not trying too hard. For when trying becomes frantic or festooned with guilt you actually begin to diminish spiritually, for the trying becomes an expression of the desire to impress Me and be rewarded, rather than just accepting the grace I give, without strings.

And, of course, I shall continue to comment on your professional work, your teaching, your writing, and your job-related services. Thus, Teachings with these professional tasks as a focus become bridges from what you have done or intended to do and what you could do to emphasize spirit more effectively. You know you are in a field just ripe for more infusion of spirit, and you are one definitely called to do just this.

The Teaching that “commenced this series” could be the bridge to your actual sharing some of your “later in life” observations and conclusions with some of your younger colleagues… in print. I suggested. Will you be compliant, this time?

SAT., JUNE 13, 1992, 10:18 AM

You are in the midst of a reunion/celebration, with the luau this evening. This is a special part of your “life” here and has little relationship to the basic pattern of your life. Except… you are here because you started your teaching career (this time) many years ago, and what you did and how you were is being remembered by these, who were once your quite young students. So your education profession is a bridge.

What I must emphasize this morning, however, is that the really true bridge . . .

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