Teachings From An Old Friend

SUN., SEPT. 11, 1983, 5:42 AM

You have not been faithful to his responsibility/opportunity that you have with Me, o son. I realize that you have other uses of time to consider, and I do want you to get yourself up to date on the organizing matter. Nevertheless, you should be here three times a week, at least. You worry a bit, about having too many of these, and you rationalize about spending time reading ones given already, and of this I naturally approve. Yet I want you to hear, again, that the process is important, and I want you to remain active in Our form of teaching/learning.

Spiritual matters are serious. You know this. The Bible is very serious, with lots of admonitions, directions, and wherefores. We have considered together the paucity of humor in the Scriptures, and you know that My explanations are excellent by definition, but not completely convincing, actually. You are a father and a grandfather. You know the different roles you have played and do play with your children at different ages. All of these are not serious and admonitional, by any means. Some are fun, and some are downright friendly.

Many of My Teachings to you, then, can be considered as Teachings from an old friend. In traditional Christian thinking this will be considered as “too loose”… behavior inappropriate to the Holy Spirit. I just affirm here and now that, with you, in this communication, I often come as a good old friend.

You consider that you can be an old friend to some former students who are about half your age. Some can accept this offer and can reciprocate, while others still hold back because of your age and venerability. If this is a problem for you, consider how it is for Me! Humans more spiritually advanced than you are would like the idea of a friendly Spirit, but would have more difficulty than you in actually receiving Me in this mode. You can do it, and I want you to. This is part of your mission, and you know you must communicate it wisely and carefully, but you must be free to receive Me “in My friendly guise.”

Why am I not consistent as I reach out to souls incarnate in the earth? Why don’t I come in a way that each can recognize and give testimony to in reasonably like fashion? You know the answer. My major task is to encourage spiritual growth, and that is the fundamental reason behind the variety of My approaches to humans. I know that this spawns a lot of charges that what I do is “of the devil”. Unfortunately, that, too, is a means toward growth, and I must continue to act in ways that keep this response alive. Sorry.

All right. This morning I have talked a lot about being an old friend, but it has been more an experience in “about” than in “being”, I realize. I am an old friend to you. We have been in relationship in a timeless frame. I know you well, and you know Me, in ways I have allowed and encouraged. You know that I value formal prayer, but you also know I am with you always, so that communication with Me does not require a formal posture.

SUN., SEPT. 11, 1983, 5:42 AM

You have not been faithful to his responsibility/opportunity that you have with Me, o son. I realize that you have other uses of time to consider, and I do want you to get yourself up to date on the organizing matter. Nevertheless, you should be here three times a week, at least. You worry a bit, about having too many of these, and you rationalize about spending time reading ones given already, and of this I naturally approve. Yet I want you to hear, again, that the process is important . . .

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