Teachings Galore

FRI., APR. 7, 1989, 5:55 AM

It soon will be ten years, in earth time, that I have been offering you Teachings, which you write down in this ritual way. It is not an automatic process, for your mind refuses to back off completely, and often you have some amount of struggle in completing the three pages which have become Our “standard.” Nevertheless, you still arise early, about as often as I desire, and the result is Teachings galore.

It is good that the new ones, the ones you are receiving most recently, seem ever better and more pertinent than ones from the past in this ten year span. And yet I call on you to sit down, from time to time, and read from earlier volumes. You know what you shall find… insights galore that can be helpful and that you have just forgotten.

Even though it seems that you just have completed a Ruminations you know that, with the schedule you have before you, you must be preparing for this, soon. You are aware that this last one, and the one before, were based almost entirely on very recent Teachings. So, yes, this next one should develop out of Teachings from “farther back” in time. Go back a few years and read extensively, and out of this experience I shall surely lead you to a theme. You certainly have the faith this I shall do this.

Is this really necessary? Consider all the accumulated time you have spent with this pen and pads like this. Wouldn’t your life have been just as full and couldn’t you have accomplished more… and even had more money… if you hadn’t been doing this with some regularity? Of course it isn’t “necessary” for many other quite spiritual people, including many Christians, do not “have to” do such an activity. And yet you know that, for you, it is quite necessary.

In an unlikely way you have been chosen for this “exercise” in learning, and you know, full well, that this has enriched your life. It is largely responsible for the joy and serenity with which you encounter life events. Don’t even bother to imagine what your life would be like without Teachings. Teachings galore.

My teaching style is the best. I offer you ideas and concepts that you write so that there is a tangible record, in words quite comprehensible to you. You have kept these in reasonable order and can refer to them with reasonable ease. I repeat, and I reinforce. The contexts vary, but I reiterate so that I am sure you know what I want you to know. I use the common and uncommon events of your life as the usual basis for what I teach. You know that I am with you and will be glad to interpret almost any happening that you experience.

Thus, these Teachings galore, send the strong message that life is fundamentally a spiritual experience, with growth in spirit as an ever-present possibility. To him who hath shall more be given. This undemocratic, unegalitarian premise holds true: as you grow in spirit your capacity to grow even more increases. As you do not take or realize opportunities for such growth your spirit molders and growth is harder… and less.

You also are a means by which some others shall grow. Because these “others” who come to you, some sent by Me, are rather diverse, you need Teachings galore to be able to meet these myriad needs. I do not send you messages for specific people, as I do through My servant Mabel, but there are Teachings that could be particularly helpful to certain folk. Lenore is often more aware of these than you are. Be more attentive to her suggestions.

FRI., APR. 7, 1989, 5:55 AM

It soon will be ten years, in earth time, that I have been offering you Teachings, which you write down in this ritual way. It is not an automatic process, for your mind refuses to back off completely, and often you have some amount of struggle in completing the three pages which have become Our “standard.” Nevertheless, you still arise early, about as often as I desire, and the result is Teachings galore.

It is good that the new ones, the ones you are receiving most recently, seem ever better and . . .

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