Teachings… No Ka Oe

WED., OCT. 18, 2000, 6:43 AM

Yes, o son, you were awakened (by Me?) in the dark of the early morning (with Daylight Saving Time soon to end), and despite your efforts in cleaning this room yesterday it took you “awhile” to find paper and this pen. It should be clear to you that you must finish this task today. And, from My perspective, the most important item on your list is: “Teachings in order.” I do want you to feel uneasy, at least, if you don’t have at least 3 of these a week… and sometimes 4. I do want you to feel that this is your most important on-going task – hearing Me.

And, since this is mid-October and Our September Ruminations has finally been mailed, you should be considering a theme for this Fall Letter… which means reading past Teachings, bringing the Index up to date, and, finally, selecting portions of Teachings on which you can “ruminate.” I agree that it is best not to send the Letter out until after Christmas, but it should be ready to go before New Years. That does seem quite a ways off now, with mild temperatures and most of the leaves still on the tress, but I still say – you have no more vital task than this one – the main public “showing” of what I say to you.

You certainly are not the only one to whom I speak, and there are a few others who hear Me and write what they hear, but you have been rather faithful in making this “writing” a part of your life. I like Evolyn’s “title” for you – “Secretary for the Holy Spirit.”

These Teachings are evidence that I Am here in this modern earth scene. They cannot “compete” with the official Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Those were meant to last through many eras and be of value to many sorts and types of you humans. But I have allowed (and, to some extent, caused) this earth scene to be different, in many ways, from the cultures pictured in the Testaments.

Life in Biblical times ( 7:15 / 8:00 ) must have seemed much simpler to you. It certainly was slower, for there were no machines, electricity, quick communications. You just were “interrupted” by Lenore, who must function today as a “landlady,” dealing with an undesirable tenant, a work crew… as well as her increasing feelings of “Is this really worth it?”

So after some frantic loading of the car and feeding most of the animals, you return to Me by continuing this Teaching – about Teachings.

In My Teachings to you it is quite evident that I am aware of and know about all that is in this modern era. (And will it be seen as comparatively simple in the next generation… or will you, in this era, squander resources in ways that force life styles back to the more simple?) I won’t tell you how this modern life will “play out,” but I will say that I will enact no miracles to sustain it. The natural consequences of this present era must come about, with some amount of conflict and unrest.

My Teachings to you have indicated that natural resources will soon not be able to sustain your Western lifestyle, this being made worse by the increase in the human population. You may be aware of what happens, after you drop this body and move on, but I can’t promise. You may still be interested… or… you may find life in spirit form to be quite satisfying… and familiar.

You have revisited at least the sites of where you spent childhood and adolescence. You probably won’t do this again. You have less and less felt need to travel and revisit, let alone see places you haven’t been. You still are above-average for variety in your life, compared with all present humans, even Americans. If your children and their children come to visit you that should be sufficient. You have the “luxury” of anticipating, slowly, the end of this earth life. Just be sure that you continue to have these Teachings and that you really contemplate My advice to you in regard to the rest of this earth life.

WED., OCT. 18, 2000, 6:43 AM

Yes, o son, you were awakened (by Me?) in the dark of the early morning (with Daylight Saving Time soon to end), and despite your efforts in cleaning this room yesterday it took you “awhile” to find paper and this pen. It should be clear to you that you must finish this task today. And, from My perspective, the most important item on your list is: “Teachings in order.” I do want you to feel uneasy, at least, if you don’t have at least 3 of these a week… and . . .

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