Teachings, Teachings

THURS., APR. 27, 2000, 1:00 PM

These video sessions with son John Patrick are “leading” you to review Tables of Contents of the many past Teachings and then, as a result, you re-read more of them than you would “normally.” So, hear what I, your ever-ready Holy Spirit, have to say about these many pages of… Teachings.

As I have told you… and as you tell some who seem interested in “whatever you call them”… you are one elected and chosen to hear Me, in this friendly, semi-liturgical, form of communication. You did not “earn” this election, but you are (and were) advanced enough in spirit so that it wasn’t likely that you’d stop hearing Me after some short time. But you also remember that while I was rather sure that you’d be faithful in this “task” I did test you out in the first two months – an “encounter” with Me every day, in the first waking hour. Yes, it was a test for you, but also an “addicting” process – you heard Me every morning, and you were pleased with what you heard. For, yes, addictions can be quite positive and useful.

These Teachings give some spiritual direction to your life. As I’ve told you repeatedly, these are not Holy Scripture, but they do come from One Who is Holy… and they do relate quite directly and even specifically to the life you are now leading. Without disparaging the original and True Holy Scriptures these are much more a guide to life… with interpretations thereof… than, say, Numbers or Habakkuk.

And now you have the privilege and thrill of sharing these, in at least two ways, with son John Patrick. As he transforms the handwritten three pages into one page, printed, he reads these Teachings in their entirety. He also reads Russell’s Ruminations with your (Our) selections from several Teachings in a Letter format. Now he is creating a video format, with 3 or 4 entire Teachings being read, with added comments and discussion. Is this part of “the plan”? Just assume it is.

And hear, yet again, that your major responsibility is to hear Me and to write these… and then keep them in “reasonable order.” This does take some time, as you “discovered” this morning.

Why do I do this? There’s no great (or secret) cosmic reason. I picked you. You responded as I wanted you to. And… it’s fun… and along with all the “serious stuff” I’m involved with I like to have FUN.

Oh, I wanted you to be a better educator than you would have been, without Me. And I wanted you to be a health educator, with some positive reputation, who would help to have the spiritual recognized as a legitimate dimension of health. You did your part. Others can build on what you contributed, again with My Help.

You have not kept a diary or a journal of your life happenings, as John Patrick has, since he was “but a youth.” These Teachings are a unique “record” of happenings in your life (for the past 20, anyway), with My reaction and even recommendations. But, as you can imagine, it would not be practical to have all of My many and diverse servants writing comparably. I can be practical, now and again.

And, as I’ve told you, it is fun for Me to select a “good Presbyterian (Elder, even)” to be a mystic in a culture that can deal with “such” only historically. If you get any recognition “for this” it will be sometime after you’ve left the earth for closer interactions with the mystical.

As I see your “stash” you should have enough of this special paper for the rest of Our “career” together. Because you are more apt to lose or misplace “things” in this stage of life you now have two “special pens,” not used for anything else, and even a couple of other unused “substitutes.” I say Good!

THURS., APR. 27, 2000, 1:00 PM

These video sessions with son John Patrick are “leading” you to review Tables of Contents of the many past Teachings and then, as a result, you re-read more of them than you would “normally.” So, hear what I, your ever-ready Holy Spirit, have to say about these many pages of… Teachings.

As I have told you… and as you tell some who seem interested in “whatever you call them”… you are one elected and chosen to hear Me, in this friendly, semi-liturgical, form of communication. You did not . . .

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