
MON., NOV. 25, 1985, 7:01 AM

I present you with a theme about which you shall find little corroboration in My Holy Scriptures. The notion of television was far from the minds of those who listened to Me and wrote what became Holy Writ. This does not mean, of course, that I have nothing to say about this form of technology, for it is an important factor in the life of you who are affluent in the earth today. The Scriptures are the best guide to the understanding and appreciation of life that exists, but they do not limit Me to what is said in a pre-technological era. Your class conversation centered on television for some time. Hear what I have to say about that.

Television is not one of My special blessings, nor is it a satanic curse. Yet since it is a part of earth life, and since I refuse to relinquish control of and responsibility for life here, I am “involved with it.” It did not happen “when I wasn’t looking.” Or in spite of Me. When a servant of Mine tells an aspect of the Christian story that can be heard and seen by millions, live and later, the machine becomes a part of My blessing. When it serves as a means by which people can hear quickly of tragedies and offer help that ameliorates suffering, I approve.

Yet, as was noted in your class, it can picture violence, immorality, and inhumanity in ways that can encourage more rather an opposition. One can see stories and reports that have little redeeming value. You notice that I say “little” rather than “no”, for, once again, there is no experience in the earth from which spiritual growth cannot come forth. Most of the programs about which people spoke have some reasonably moral point to make, even as “good” does not always obviously triumph.

You have seen stories from the Bible depicted as television plays, and some of these have much violence and immorality. The fact that there were no explosives means that a major feature of modern violence was not possible. Yet consider that if that scene in the garden of Gethsemane were depicted in modern television style, a close up might show an angry and frustrated disciple drawing a sword and slashing off the ear of one in the arresting party. There is pain, and blood flows. Will it erupt into a fracas of swords, spears, and knives, with much bloodshed closely depicted? No, I instantly and miraculously heal, and that bit of violence is defused. And yet it was there to encourage young angry, frustrated sword wielders. Hmmm.

No one spoke of television as an encourager of humor. (You started to do this at one point, but didn’t. Too bad.) As I have told you, a sense of humor and fun is part of the spirit of each human, and this should be regularly nurtured. The Scriptures don’t offer this wisdom, but I repeatedly emphasize this truth… and television is a good means of bringing forth smiles and laughter. All comedies are not equally good, and some of the situations range into the unacceptable, but there is much that can be enjoyed, with a clear conscience and a happy heart.

It is good that there are times of no television, just as I still recommend fasting as a balance for excess. You can use time profitably that would otherwise be “spent” in front of the set. You needn’t overdose with news, as I have told you. Be adequately informed, but consider ways to use time more charitably than hearing and reseeing news.

MON., NOV. 25, 1985, 7:01 AM

I present you with a theme about which you shall find little corroboration in My Holy Scriptures. The notion of television was far from the minds of those who listened to Me and wrote what became Holy Writ. This does not mean, of course, that I have nothing to say about this form of technology, for it is an important factor in the life of you who are affluent in the earth today. The Scriptures are the best guide to the understanding and appreciation of life that exists, but they do . . .

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