Telling Of Experience

SUN., DEC. 11, 1983, 6:03 AM

Last evening a small and unlikely group gathered for some sharing about spiritual and religious experiences. Most did not know what the specific content of the evening’s time together would be. It was a true experience in spirit for the prearrangements had been minimal, and I had a chance to be both observer and participant. Now, I can be a participant even when there is much preparation, but I come in easiest when a discussion is more spontaneous.

The size of the gathering was almost ideal for discussion and for the home in which it was held. But, unfortunately, it also reflected the minimal interest that is in your congregation for the consideration of spiritual experiences. This is typical of those Christians who call themselves Presbyterians, who can speak of holy matters best in unison and in liturgical sentences. It is with a “twinkle in My eye” that I raise up some within such a congregation whose experiences are deviant… and most, in their desire for both “purity” and liberality, would prefer not to hear anything about such experiences.

Frank is an interesting exception. He would be one who, by demeanor and by training, could be expected in the midst of those with eyes and ears closed to current spiritual manifestations. And, probably, unless he had been asked to tell of his own experience he would not have been among those gathered. But I did intervene into his scientific orientation many years ago (as he told it), letting him know in a fairly dramatic way that his life would be one of more service to My way than he anticipated. In earthly years he is rather old to be sharing this early experience for the first time, but I’m glad that he did. For, having done so, he was more open to hearing of your more direct and identifiable experience with Me.

You presented with about the right balance of positive confidence and careful humbleness. The confidence represents what you know about what We do together and what you know from these Teachings. The humility is necessary to keep ears open… to assure that you do not seem so “far apart” that others cannot listen with attention and some identification. Keep it spontaneous, for, hence, it is easiest for Me to influence you in the process.

You were perceptive enough to suspect, strongly, that I nudged Dorothy to offer her testimony that these Teachings are “real”… that they have a quality that quiets her normal skepticism. Several others could have said that, but it was most affirming coming from her. This should be accepted as a sign to you that you must offer her Teachings on some more regular basis. She will profit from them, and your mission will be advanced.

You (and I) pose another dilemma for Presbyterians, that was not voiced last evening: you say that these meditative communications are from Me, the Holy Spirit, and most have not even considered that I would intervene in this tangible way. So there is skepticism. Still… if you had to say that they came through some spirit guide named Mukti, the dilemma would be worse. So I, as the Source, am “improbable, but the lesser of two improbables”. Know, however, that this is a common experience for Me in My influence in the earth.

SUN., DEC. 11, 1983, 6:03 AM

Last evening a small and unlikely group gathered for some sharing about spiritual and religious experiences. Most did not know what the specific content of the evening’s time together would be. It was a true experience in spirit for the prearrangements had been minimal, and I had a chance to be both observer and participant. Now, I can be a participant even when there is much preparation, but I come in easiest when a discussion is more spontaneous.

The size of the gathering was almost ideal for discussion and . . .

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Yes, do put Frank’s story down as the first written one for your next series. You need to proceed with this research task, even in the midst of these other responsibilities and opportunities.

The Hookers are good Presbyterians… as I described such early in the Teaching. Yet they were there and hearing. Thus they cannot remain blissfully uninformed, as most are. Be aware of opportunities involving these good people.

Chris is a rather special “chosen vessel”, who knows she is to serve Me but can’t yet separate My call from other spiritual forces and can’t yet be comfortable with her life. You can be of help to her, but let her assume the major initiative. She does serve Me well in some ways, but I shall be pleased when the confusion in her life is reduced.

So, all in all, it was a good time, this telling of experience. Along with living life in joy and in thanks and for Me, the telling of life experiences in times of sharing is what I most desire that you, and other Christians, do. Simple service.

7:18 AM