Telling Stories

JULY 30, 1980, 5:58 AM

Yes, o son, I am using several means to catch your attention, and turn it toward development of story telling as a fundamental approach to educating about health. I brought My servant Bob Brown’s article to your attention, and the tapes by Father Shea, which you started to hear yesterday, also were suggested by Me. Be aware and you shall see other hints that I send your way. For this truly is an approach I would have you develop, use, and teach to others.

Hear a simple story about Me. I have always been in the world, but My mission was not clearly defined until that Last Supper when I, as Jesus, told My disciple-friends that I must leave this earth in bodily form but would be ever-present in Spirit form. I said that, as the Spirit, I would help people do greater things than I did as Jesus and I would help many realize sonship with Me as God, the Almighty. And the story continues, for I certainly have done what I said… and continue to do so.

(You are hearing Me well this morning, but you are sluggish in your writing. You are trying, again, to have this be some powerful, singular message that you can reproduce and use to enlighten others. The motivation is all right, but just relax and write as I talk to you and worry not about the utilization of this now. Just hear and write. That is a sufficient task.)

You keep being reminded that the story will be a powerful part of your Fall project. The fundamental approach with people, with whom you talk should be, “Tell me a story that shows how the spirit is a part of your health as a person… or was a factor in your coming back to health from some illness or injury.” You will need to listen carefully and hear both the essence of the story and details that may be important to the richness of the revelation. That will take some time to develop, but understand that this project is just a beginning. You are commencing a new, but also old, way of gathering information and helping people learn about positive, holistic health.

JULY 30, 1980, 5:58 AM

Yes, o son, I am using several means to catch your attention, and turn it toward development of story telling as a fundamental approach to educating about health. I brought My servant Bob Brown’s article to your attention, and the tapes by Father Shea, which you started to hear yesterday, also were suggested by Me. Be aware and you shall see other hints that I send your way. For this truly is an approach I would have you develop, use, and teach to others.

Hear a simple story about Me . . .

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