Telling Your Story

JUNE 5, 1980, 9:31 PM

Yes, o son, I heard as you told your story on the drive up here. That is a good beginning… you are on the right track. You just need to get away from “I believe” and “this is truth” and keep to “…and this is what has happened to me…” “and now tell me how the Lord has dealt with you.”

Your interaction with Michael and Wendy was full and satisfying. You talked of important matters, and it just would have been better if it had been in story form. He, Michael, could have heard your story and could have responded with his own. Beliefs and convictions could have been dealt with as experiences. As you recalled later on the drive I said, as Jesus, “He that is without sin… let him cast the first stone.” Does that say I am for prostitution? Does it say I am not for standards or for a definition of wrong and right? Does it say I am merciful? Does it reflect the dominant nature of Almighty God?… or does it just close a story in which I invited anyone who was without sin to cast the first stone to rightfully kill a sinning woman, and no one did so cast?

Consider that you could say that you have a sense of lives before this one, and that these seem to have brought you more easily and readily to the acceptance of My Grace in this life in the earth. Perhaps others have reached this desirable state in a few short years, and this would be commendable, but you feel you have taken longer. Just leave it at that. Don’t speculate about whether this is true for all… or whether it matches Scripture. Your story simply says, “There is some apparent conflict with some Scriptures, in my experience, but I also find that reincarnation makes certain other scriptures much more feasible.” “This is what the Scriptures say to me” is the more appropriate statement than “This is what Scripture says”.

As compared to two weeks ago you had little chance to tell your spiritual story, and of this you were quite aware. In comparison it was frustrating, but by other standards it was an interesting, varied time. There certainly was a different rhythm. Some recollections: Phyllis accepts this relationship rather well, and shall be interested in any further teachings and revelations. Lorna and Skip could be interested, but Jackie blocked the communication. (And she was just basically telling her story!)

The Forallones experience was one of experiencing spirit in growing and developing. Yet it seemed that there was no real unifying spirit, so there will continue to be turnover and lack of commitment. What a contrast to My Evangelical Orthodox Church. They have a strong unifying spirit, and they shall be strong and viable as long as this dominates. The danger now is in developing too much theology… that shall divide one from another… another from another. I love those servants, and I have led them into this venture. You shall have to see how it turns out. Don’t lose contact with them. But be aware of making the journey harder for Michael.

In Frances there is spirit in the family relationship and in her job of helping people find living spaces. With Siddy there is spirit in relations with her children and in her independent life. You shall become ever more attuned to the origin of spirit in persons and in its manifestation. Work on your musical presentation every day between tomorrow and next Thursday. The spiritual dimension shall emerge well.

There are many ways to tell a story, some verbal and some not. You shall become more able in several modes… and in recognizing how others do so tell. You must improve the one you used with the class way last Sunday… the diagram of the Farm and what you would do there. That is an important and effective approach.

You look forward to your time at home… and particularly to the time when you shall stay for a time. This is understandable, but know that I purpose for you to do these other tasks in the East, too. These shall all contribute to a better “telling of your story”. Accept your schedule as it is now, and profit as fully as possible from all the changes and experiences. Listen for My call even when your commitment has been fulfilled. Enjoy your short night.

10:31 PM