Telling Your Story

THURS., JAN. 15, 1987, 7:22 AM

Every now and again you get a chance to tell your spiritual story… at least portions of it. I remind you again that the story is My favorite form of communication, and every person in the earth has a story… is a story… and is part of many other stories. So we shall consider, this morning, o son, the telling of stories.

A spiritual story is one that focuses on relationship with Me, with religion, with other spirits, and with other people when spirit is involved. The story you told last night was of your relationship with Me and of My calling you to this specific spiritual practice. Your telling of it was reasonably accurate, from your perspective. Let Me suggest that you read over those writings from the 1960’s so that you can tell that part of the story with more exactness. That was a time of preparation, but you had, even then, spiritual perceptiveness, so refresh your story with a rereading.

A significant aspect of the story is that I used perfectly natural phenomena in coming to you in what can now be called a mystical way. I used your emotions and your intellectual knowledge of dangerous situations. I used the Holy Scriptures, and, finally, I used a secular manuscript of yours. There were no supernatural flashes of fire or strange beings appearing. With just slight manipulation you turned to me and discerned what I wanted and then were willing to give it a try.

You began in faith, and you were faithful enough through the initial time so that I took the chance of coming to you directly. Didn’t I know, with omniscience, that you would be open and willing to continue? Outside of time I knew that you were ready for this experience and this mission, but I concern Myself very little with the specifics of time. If you had stopped after five days or so I would have devised some other approach, and you would be writing this morning, even if the original story were different.

As I have told you many times I exist and function outside of time. You try, but you must admit you can only develop a fuzzy understanding of how such an existence is. When you pass on over from earth life you will again be in a timeless realm, and you’ll say, “Of course.” But I have created the earth as a realm in time. You see that I have a little fun with this, giving hints in the Bible as to how long the earth has been and other hints which scientists discover which give quite different answers. There is general agreement in the world on how long a year is, but no agreement as to what year this is. In your culture there is much emphasis on time, so time is part of your spiritual story. Most people would consider it more credible if you were exact on your dates and times, whether what you say is accurate or not.

Tell your story quietly but confidently. Your task it not to convince others that your experiences are true ones. You tell the story so that some who hear might identify, might turn toward Me, might tell their own spiritual stories… There is some merit in practicing the story… and also in telling it spontaneously. I want confidence, but I am not in favor of some “canned” version that sounds exactly the same each time.

I shall offer you increasing opportunities to tell your spiritual story… or segments of it, most often. It would be well for you to prepare for such opportunities and then to be more aware, so that you recognize and accept them. This should increase your awareness of others and their spiritual stories, so you should be hearing more, as well as telling more often. Balance is still important, however. This shall be developing, but it will not yet be your major life task.

THURS., JAN. 15, 1987, 7:22 AM

Every now and again you get a chance to tell your spiritual story… at least portions of it. I remind you again that the story is My favorite form of communication, and every person in the earth has a story… is a story… and is part of many other stories. So we shall consider, this morning, o son, the telling of stories.

A spiritual story is one that focuses on relationship with Me, with religion, with other spirits, and with other people when spirit is involved. The story you told last . . .

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