Telling Your Story…

TUES., JAN. 24, 1989, 6:30 AM

One of life’s true opportunities is that of telling your own personal life story. You will never get to “tell it all”, but any segment or phase of it is still “your story.” Know that I generally approve of such “tellings”.

You have been asked to tell of your “automatic writing” to this local enquiring group. You may take this opportunity to share how I, the Holy Spirit, have come and am continually coming into your life as teacher, counselor, and friend. You needn’t refer to this as “automatic writing.” If someone asks, just acknowledge that they seem to be somewhat similar. Sometimes your pen literally flies across these pages, and at other times the pace is almost painfully slow. Yet you know I am “speaking” to you, and it is your role to write down what I say to you.

Now “automatic writing” is a valid spiritual, mystical practice. Some spirits, now without bodies, have such a desire to help certain souls now in bodies that they encourage this practice and give advice and counsel from whatever realm they are in. Such a spirit is usually much freer and more knowledgeable than the earth person about matters spiritual. However, each is still on a spiritual path and is just “telling his story” from another realm. Of this I approve. I like many of these communications, and I like the interchange among spirits in different realms.

I then attest that I Who speak to you am the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. This is not meant to claim a superiority. It is merely to say that I am the End of all spiritual paths. You are not farther along spiritually than some who write what they hear from other spirits. I just have chosen you for this opportunity and this task, and this is My most tangible means of communicating. These are Teachings, not prophesies. They are to you, and therefore they may or may not have universal application. But remember that My servant Paul wrote a letter to the church at Ephesis, and this now is considered, rightly, Holy Scripture. Don’t claim. Just remember this.

Each person, you included, have several stories of life. Your spiritual story is the most interesting, and it is the overarching story, just as the spiritual dimension is the unifying, coordinating dimension of a person’s health. How you function and how you adapt is determined more by spirit, when this functioning and adapting are of “high quality”… good health…, than by any other dimension. So your professional story should increasingly be one of giving this spiritual dimension its rightful place. As you take this opportunity to tell an important portion of your story be sure that you have sufficient printed material to give your story tangibility. Give them evidence of what you and I have done together in the past and of what we continue to do, with few lapses.

Part of your story is that you and I are living this life of yours as friends. I help in similar ways in the lives of countless people, and there is no limit to the number of those who can so benefit. I select some, as I did you, but I am willing and able to help and guide those who come to Me.

You could cease coming to hear and write what I have to say to you. In like fashion you could cut off a hand or blind an eye. There are many things you could do that would limit your functioning as, as full a person as your spiritual maturity and physical being allow. The most limiting action would be that of ceasing these times of Teaching and ceasing to peruse and study these volumes of wisdom and counsel that I have given to you. You are too healthy to do this.

TUES., JAN. 24, 1989, 6:30 AM

One of life’s true opportunities is that of telling your own personal life story. You will never get to “tell it all”, but any segment or phase of it is still “your story.” Know that I generally approve of such “tellings”.

You have been asked to tell of your “automatic writing” to this local enquiring group. You may take this opportunity to share how I, the Holy Spirit, have come and am continually coming into your life as teacher, counselor, and friend. You needn’t refer to this as “automatic . . .

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