
THURS., OCT. 17, 1985, 6:26 AM

This is not “the way” that this meditation should commence, but you are willing to take the chance that I would not respond. You trust that I will, even to a “request.” Just know that this is an exception and that the process is still normative. However, the request was an earnest and heartfelt one… and I haven’t said much to you about temper. So listen, o son.

The manifestation of temper is of different origins. It can represent an immature spirit and a predominance of selfishness. It can be a learned response that, with love and help, can be “unlearned.” Or, in my design for a person’s life, it can be an experience for potential growth (That is, Denise can grow in spirit from this relationship… and thus can be a more effective help in diminishing the exhibits of temper, which can be evidence of spiritual growth in her husband.)

Temper… why did I allow temper to be manifested? And, symbolically, it has been part of human life from “the beginning,” since Cain displayed temper in slaying Abel… along with selfishness, pride, and lack of self worth. But you have asked the question as to whether I, the Holy Spirit provoked that temper and attack. The Biblical account sounds as though I did. Just know that My actions are perfect by definition, and what was done was so that My purposes might be better fulfilled. This is not a clear answer to the question, but it is what I want you to hear and consider.

The elder brother of the prodigal son in My story showed temper and petulance, and the story does not tell whether that was momentary, for which he was sorry or whether it was a continuing response to the treatment his undeserving brother was receiving. In this story temper was displayed because mercy was dominant, rather than justice. His brother did not earn the loving welcome he was receiving, and his gentle acceptance of it made the elder brother angry and resentful.

So… this says that displays of temper were part of the life that My Holy Scriptures portray. It is not some new phenomenon in modern life. That is probably obvious, but I wanted to emphasize it. There is a purpose for such behavior. It is not something that developed in spite of Me… or “when I wasn’t looking.”

Temper can be overcome, and gentleness and thoughtfulness can be its replacement. But the spirit of the person displaying temper must be strong enough to be aware of the life situations that provoke and gentle the response before the “comfortable” angry one emerges. There is no one way to achieve this desirable growth, but the help of others is important. Rarely is this an improvement that can be made entirely by self.

As I said earlier this display of temper can be mostly a learned response, without deep feelings of anger and low self esteem. In such instances relearning, with the help of loving others, is easier. Some people just are not aware of how others perceive their actions.

THURS., OCT. 17, 1985, 6:26 AM

This is not “the way” that this meditation should commence, but you are willing to take the chance that I would not respond. You trust that I will, even to a “request.” Just know that this is an exception and that the process is still normative. However, the request was an earnest and heartfelt one… and I haven’t said much to you about temper. So listen, o son.

The manifestation of temper is of different origins. It can represent an immature spirit and a predominance of selfishness. It can be . . .

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