
FRI., JAN. 10, 1986, 6:52 AM

One of the issues of this time in history is the definition of and some remedy for terrorism. From your government’s point of view acts of terrorism are barbaric, because those who do the killing and wounding are not easily identified and responsibility cannot clearly be determined. What do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about the wanton taking of life and destroying of property, creating a sense of terror in innocent people?

“Thou shalt not kill.” This is a commandment still in force… and it applies universally. So, those who so kill have sinned. If life in the earth were that simple, I could say Amen or Shalom, and the Teaching would be finished. The Old Testament record, however, introduces an ancient complication. I killed people, and I instructed My people to kill. When women and children were not killed, I was angry and punished. (There was no such killing in the New Testament, but those truths do not negate the earlier stories of My actions. I was not an “improved Lord” in the New Testament… just manifested and different.)

The reality is that acts of terrorism always stem from some perceived offensive action against the interests of those who would be terrorists. Your country takes actions that seem to further your interests and limit the opportunities of those who would oppose you. From the perspective of these latter you have aggressively done harm, and “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth,” the spirit of justice is invoked. Justice is a mighty concept in the affairs of humans, and I certainly approve of justice.

But how is justice determined. Aye, there’s the rub! Opposing cultural groups usually define and determine justice in different ways. Those who see themselves as small and insignificant in comparison with your United States have no way that you would call fair to balance the scales of justice. When those who do the terrorist act are willing to die… and are, in fact, killed… it is very frustrating to your government, because your justice cannot prevail. They cannot be imprisoned or executed for their crime.

And remember that, as Jesus, I said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend.” Many terrorists are quite willing to give their own lives in order that the rights of their “friends” might be upheld. And this is a high spiritual principle… bolstered by “he who would save his life would lose it, and he who would give his life, for My sake, shall find it.”

7:36 AM / 8:03 AM

Now it is true that most are not giving their lives for My sake, as Jesus, but some are on spiritual paths that I must recognize and appreciate.

The other issue is the one you read last night. Your government supports terrorists but calls them “freedom fighters.” Their actions bring terror to innocent, uninvolved people, but from your government’s perspective they function to topple an oppressive government. And hence it is hard for Me to recognize more righteousness than sin in the actions of your culture.

As long as one power dominates another there is likely to be what one and the other call terrorism. Having nuclear missiles ready to launch is a form of terrorism, even as no physical harm is inflicted this day. There is no way that I can call this posture by any other more appropriate name.

FRI., JAN. 10, 1986, 6:52 AM

One of the issues of this time in history is the definition of and some remedy for terrorism. From your government’s point of view acts of terrorism are barbaric, because those who do the killing and wounding are not easily identified and responsibility cannot clearly be determined. What do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about the wanton taking of life and destroying of property, creating a sense of terror in innocent people?

“Thou shalt not kill.” This is a commandment still in force… and it applies universally. So . . .

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