Test Your Position

September 16, 1979, 5:33 AM

Yes, I come, o son, from amidst jumbled thoughts and cloudy concepts.  This theme is a joint choice.  You had it in your mind, as relating to the chapters on disease, and I have some things to say, too, which you shall discover.  I welcome you back on this quiet Sunday morning.  You are one of my favorites, though you don’t exactly fit the mold of the born again Christian.  I have told you what I would have you be, and this is the substance of My reminder to you this morning.

As you know, I have purposed for you to be My servant, and I purpose that I shall lead and direct your life.  I do not do this with everyone, but it is a privilege I have, should I choose to elect it.  You shall still have your own thoughts, motives, and drives, but I am guiding you, so these become mixed with Mine.  As long as I continue this (and I see no reason to discontinue) you shall basically be doing My will in all things.  Well, individual thoughts and small actions may not be exactly Mine, but I want not a robot, but a real human person.

Your task is to be in this world in the positions, major and minor, that are yours and that come your way, and to bring My messages to the world through these contacts.  Some testing lies ahead.  There will be some words of wisdom for you to present, and you will recognize the situations.  I just needed to alert you.  These shall not be vivid missionary opportunities, but small, real chances to offer that the Holy Spirit is still part of the health of all you human creations.

You shall know what to say and do, but it will be a true test, as well.  You will be able to back away and lose the opportunity.  True, there will be others, but these that lie ahead are important to Me.  We must have a return of the concept that health is a function of spirit, fundamentally, and that the maximum state of health is one in which your spirit and My Spirit are intertwined.

To use your (?) well-springs (?): Nutritional Balance requires, finally, the taking of spiritual food, as well – meditation, Bible Reading… input from Me.  Exercise includes the exercise of the spirit-reaching out to others, doing what you needn’t do, but should.  Mental/Emotional Balance requires “let the Mind that Is in Christ, Be in you,” guiding the flow and generation of thoughts and feelings.  Human/Spiritual Interaction is obvious – you interact with others as you interact with Me.  I am the fount.  Interaction with Me frees you to interact comfortably and spiritually with others.  Health involves like attracted by like, and the interaction of spirits is the greatest, healthiest kind of interaction.  Heredity, in spiritual terms, means the person I (and you) purposed you to be.  We utilize genes and chromosomes, but the concept is that you were purposed to be a particular person… you didn’t just grow this way by chance of environmental influence.  Finally Ecological Balance invites you to include the total ecosystem, including the spirits in the world, manifested in ways unimaginable.  There are many with which and whom to interact, and health can be enhanced thereby.

Now to your idea.  Would doing the disease chapters be some sort of a test of your spiritual “position”?  Of course it would.  That shall be a challenge, and it will have its disappointments, even agonies, but you are the one to try that task.  Yes, it is ironic that you, with your major thrust toward positive health should volunteer for this.  But remember… holistic health is your real focus… the health of the whole, holy person, in disease and disability as well as without.  Yes, there are healthier ways of being diseased.  One can have a disease and be minimally sick… or totally sick.  Health enables minimum sickness.  It shall be a fine message… a blending of the traditional medical-scientific with the older spiritual basis of life.

Your time was well-spent this morning.  Your day shall be better because of this.  I love you and welcome you, whenever you desire.  Be Me this day.  My ultimate blessing.


6:21 AM