
September 3, 1979, 5:45 AM

I have been feeling, o son, that another time of testing is necessary.  You hear Me fairly well, and you seem willing to write down and consider these messages of instruction.  Still, when you don’t do it for some time you lose the closeness that I purpose for Us.  Testing must come, therefore.

Throughout the ages (as you render time) I have tested those whom I have called and those who come willingly in response to My grace.  The tests involve several essentials.  First, and most importantly, there must be a testing of will.  You have a will that must be exerted for accomplishment of many sorts.  But the testing is of the capacity of your will to come into “sync” with Mine.  This means not that your will is submerged, but that it flows easily and smoothly into that higher Will that is mine.  When I put it on your heart to come and spend this first hour with Me, does your will bring you from your bed and to the pen and pad?  Are you still willing to be an active member of this Partnership?  That must be tested.

Then, there must be a testing of your capacity to hear and to write this down.  Your mind is active and creative.  It could manufacture pages such as these (and those who doubt the validity of this Relationship can certainly argue well that your mind could easily concoct these pages).  But I need to have your mind open and receptive to My words.  As they flow, you write.  Obviously you can do this, but testing of this “meditation” (for it is a listening) is necessary.

Also I expand and test your willingness and capacity to hear Me in forms of expression you don’t consider appropriate for Me.  Rightly, you challenge certain words and phrases, feeling that these are ones you would use… but not I.  You have certain perceptions of how I speak, based on My Bible, on the Cayce readings, and on the messages through Mabel.  Just do not limit Me to these styles and forms.  I have My reasons for presenting in different ways.  As you hear, so write.  Worry less about the intrusion of your mind, and have faith in the power of Mine.  Your doubts are less now, but I must still develop and test your capacity to hear Me comfortably… and put this into words on paper.

Remember I have told you that My Mind is available to you (and you shall need it for the writing that you are committed to do).  It can help clarify and make for better expression in any writing.  But this task, this present one, must be tested, for it is special.  It is My initiative, and is important both as process and for its content.  (See how your mind wanders, focusing on practical and fanciful concerns.  You need better control, and this comes through practice.  However, the important thing is your willingness and capacity to recognize the wandering and return to the theme.)

Yes, o son, I test… in order that We both can see your strengths and your weaknesses.  And yes, I do focus more on developing your strengths than on correcting your weaknesses.  With you I emphasize the positive.  (But hold me not to that with every person, even every servant.  I need not be consistent, for I am Complete.  I am All Things.  I can be strongly negative, but with you I favor the positive.) And this I purpose you to do, too… in your life and in your teaching.

Allright, the morning brightens.  I want this week only for My testing.  Come each day early, and then use the rest well.  My blessing is upon you and yours.  Forget not all My benefits.  Or, more positively, remember all My benefits.

Peace be with you

6:50 AM