Thank You, Lord!

MON., OCT. 12, 1992, 7:23 AM

The plane on which you ride moves up into the foggy, morning sky, and your prayer for a safe takeoff has been answered, and you have said, “Thank you, Lord.” In a Teaching that comes as you return from a good and satisfying conference to your wonderfully satisfying life at home and in your job I’ll help you review those “things’ for which you should be thankful.

Your spiritual life is the most important dimension of your health. As your spirit is fed, and as it grows and develops with use, your overall health improves. You can never know, for sure, of problems and disabilities that are prevented by a strong spirit. I have chosen and called you, and you have responded. The news of the day may have some minor importance but not compared with this experience of hearing Me, the Holy Spirit, continue to encourage, and guide you. You can say, “Thank you, Lord” for this relationship and these Teachings.

You are a Christian, a Presbyterian Christian. This means you are only moderately liturgical and not very charismatic. You are mainstream, somewhere between the two extremes. This fits your personality and your most comfortable response to Me. You relate well to others in your congregation, and you both accept and seek opportunities to serve Me in this particular version of My Body, the Church. You don’t have as much opportunity to share your relationship with Me with your fellow Presbyterians, and yet there is a quiet undercurrent of perception that you have “something special.” For this church life and your chances to serve you should say, “Thank you, Lord”.

The professional position you have is one that evokes satisfaction and, better yet, real joy. Your teaching is enjoyable, with some new experiences in each class. Relations with colleagues and administrators are excellent… the campus is beautiful, and your particular office is quite special. Your national professional life continues, even as your participation diminishes ( 7:47 / 8:06 ). With My help you have developed a life work that has real meaning for you… that positively influences the lives of young people. And you don’t have to end it until you want to. For this “way” to invest yourself in “work” you do say, “Thank you, Lord.”

You now accept that I influenced your decision to commence your teaching career in Hawaii and that I was involved in your meeting and courting Lenore. Your marriage has been long and good, with but a few difficulties. She accepts fully this interaction you and I have, and that is important both to you and to Me. You had children when you were young, and that experience was one of both joy and sorrow. Your boys are now men, and rather fine ones, in spite of your earlier fears. I still await Matthew, and I remain patient in this wait. For your wife and family I should hear, “Thank you, Lord.”

You have “chosen” a career in life that requires use of your mind, your intellect. You are not a “super brain,” and you have compared yourself unfavorably to some others during your life… colleagues and even students. Yet your mind works well in some ways, and, wisely, you have used it in these ways, building on your strengths and letting other excel in your weak areas. I say again that you still have written contributions to make to your field. I am patient, but I shall continue to needle you. For a mind that is adequate for its tasks, even above average, you owe Me a “Thank you, Lord.”

MON., OCT. 12, 1992, 7:23 AM

The plane on which you ride moves up into the foggy, morning sky, and your prayer for a safe takeoff has been answered, and you have said, “Thank you, Lord.” In a Teaching that comes as you return from a good and satisfying conference to your wonderfully satisfying life at home and in your job I’ll help you review those “things’ for which you should be thankful.

Your spiritual life is the most important dimension of your health. As your spirit is fed, and as it grows and . . .

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