
THURS., AUG. 24, 1989, 6:39 AM

Thankfulness is a characteristic that should be called spiritual. Even if the thankfulness is focused only on another person or persons this represents a looking away from self as deserving, for when you are utterly deserving of something or some service there is little need to be thankful. The best spirit of thankfulness arises from a feeling that you don’t deserve what you are getting. Yet you can receive it with a free and accepting spirit.

As you know, however, the most spiritual condition of thankfulness is that directed toward Me, the Triune God. This can be thankfulness to God Almighty for His acts and protection, with no inhibiting fear of acknowledging God’s power and action. It can be thankfulness to Jesus, the Christ, God’s son who intervenes and vouches for you… who gave His life that you might live more freely. To thank Jesus for grace and all that this represents as the means to spiritual freedom is everlastingly appropriate.

Then you can thank Me, the Holy Spirit, for I am the gentle, everpresent guide and help. Much that is done in the earth for which you can be thankful is done by Me. Since you and I have this ongoing relationship, your thanks can certainly be directed to Me. And then I say that it makes no difference to which of Us you direct your thanks for, finally, and actually, We are firmly One. Yet We do have Our somewhat separate identities. This shall ever remain in the realm of mystery for those who think in Western terms.

It is proper to be thankful for life itself, for you didn’t initially deserve life, and there is no length or condition of life that you so deserve that thanks is unwarranted. Increasingly you should be thankful for continued life and good health. It is not necessary to be thankful for this persistent itching condition, but it can be a reminder that there are many uncomfortable and disabling states that you could be in, but are not. When you felt the pain in your back during the unloading process you knew and felt the spectre of continuing pain and disability that could be yours, perhaps for the rest of your life. So you can be thankful, to Me and to your recovering body, for both that reminder and its surcease. Thanks be to God!

As you commence these classes you are privileged to have this term you should do so with a spirit of thankfulness. You are paid well for arranging learning for these students in areas in which you have knowledge and experience. It shall not always be so. Feel less that you deserve this, for the years you have “worked.” Feel more that these classes are a privilege and a blessing rather than something you have to do. In this spirit of thankfulness take time to organize them well, to read what they write, with care, and to give of yourself in each class opportunity.

Be thankful for your wife, given to you for your mutual benefit… and for the children you produced who now are grown men. Continue your special thankfulness for Peter and how his untimely death has become the basis for one of your best lessons. Express thankfulness for the next generation of Russell grandchildren, most of whom you’ve been with recently. Even though they are, objectively, excessive for the state of the earth, you can be thankful for and protective of each precious life.

Let your thankfulness extend to your church, that gathering of souls under the Presbyterian banner which understand and acknowledge Me in some common and in many diverse ways. Anticipate your class and be thankful for any number who come for this experience. If only two or three are gathered in My name to experience a bit of mystical Christianity, this is a contribution to your church’s life. Feel little competition. Be thankful for the opportunity.

THURS., AUG. 24, 1989, 6:39 AM

Thankfulness is a characteristic that should be called spiritual. Even if the thankfulness is focused only on another person or persons this represents a looking away from self as deserving, for when you are utterly deserving of something or some service there is little need to be thankful. The best spirit of thankfulness arises from a feeling that you don’t deserve what you are getting. Yet you can receive it with a free and accepting spirit.

As you know, however, the most spiritual condition of thankfulness is that directed toward . . .

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